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  • I do not know of any other designs that he had formed : but he was in such a hurry to be gone , and his spirits so greatly discomposed , that i had difficulty in finding out even so much as this .
    至于他有什么别的打算,我就不知道了。他急急忙忙要走,心绪非常紊乱,我能够从他嘴里问出这么些话来,已经算是不容易了。 ”
  • At length , however , the question was asked by her uncle ; and she turned away with alarm , while mrs . reynolds replied that he was , adding , " but we expect him tomorrow , with a large party of friends .
    不过她舅父终于代她问出了这一句话,使她大为慌张,连忙别转头去,只听见雷诺奶奶回答道,他的确不在家。接着又说, “可是明天会回家,还要带来许多朋友。 ”
  • Among those in which the exact place of occurrence and place of death ( recorded on death certificates ) were known , in 99 % ( 548 / 551 ) in hualien county and 96 % ( 301 / 315 ) in taitung county , the place of occurrence and the place of death were in the same county
    在确知发生地与死亡地的样本中,问卷所问出之发生地与死亡证明书所记录之死亡地属于相同县市者,花莲县有548人( 99 % ) ;台东县有301人( 96 % ) 。
  • I enquir d if he could tell me how i might come from this island , and get among those white men ; he told me , yes , yes , i might go in two canoe ; i could not understand what he meant , or make him describe to me what he meant by two canoe , till at last with great difficulty , i found he meant it must be in a large great boat , as big as two canoes
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