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  • The main causes of distributing situation , which might be partly because of the habit of this fish , are water pollution and overfishing
  • Crayfish , silverfish , catfish , octopus eel , anchovy , red shrimp , leather jacket , john dony , mahi mahi , monkfish , red gurnard , vannamei shrimp , todarades pacificus , loligo chinensis
  • The resources of megalobrama skolkovii dybowsky now , the fish lives in the part of hei he to xun ke , tong jiang to fu yuan of hei long jiang river , xiaomuhe of wusuli river , daxingkai lake
  • The wintering area of spawning population in the middle of wusuli river may be in the part from tongjiang to qindeli ; the wintering group in the part of wusuli river hulin county might be the premature group
  • 2 . the biological study of megalobrama skolkovii dybowsky the study on outer appearance has some differences with nikerlski ( 1960 ) , wuxianwen ( 1964 ) , zhangjuemin ( 1995 ) , which is total length / total width , total length / head length , head length / mouth length
    黑龙江生物学研究本研究黑龙江鲂的外部可量性状与尼科尔斯基( 1960 ) 、伍献文( 1964 ) 、张觉民( 1995 )等的研究结果存在一定的差异。
  • There might be many wintering habitats along heilongjiang river for the fish , which can spends winter period in the part of river and lake comfortable for it , but different groups in the different wintering habitats have their migration routes and areas
  • The first one has a brief introduction to birth and development of credit card , defines the concept of credit card , discusses legal characters and functions of credit card , and most importantly makes clear the legal relations between the parties of credit card transactions
  • The reasons of small resource are 1st , the fish eggs is lack of sticky and most spawning ground is not comfortable for spawning ; 2nd , the fish matures about 5 years old and fecundity is in low level on absolute or relative eggs amount ; 3rd , the shape is easier for catching with tall width and thin body
    黑龙江资源量少的原因为:黑龙江鲂为产弱黏性卵的鱼类,对产卵场的要求较高。黑龙江鲂的性成熟年龄较大( 5龄) ,而且无论是绝对怀卵量还是相对怀卵量都较低,因此生殖力较低。黑龙江鲂由于体形高而侧扁,极易被捕捞。
  • The purpose of this subject deals with the biological characters of megalobrama skolkovii dybowsky according to the results of convey of nature resource in heilongjiang waters , capture and transportation of brood fish , outer appearance , study of countable and measurable characters and all inner system , analysis of muscle composition , study of chromosome , and discuss the classification status , and also carried out the artificial fertilization
  • Phylogenetic relationship of the sinibrama species was reconstructed using the cladistic method and morphological characters . c . monglicus monglicus , a . lini , p . pekinensis and m . terminalis were selected as out - group . and a total of 34 morphological characters were found variable among four valid species
    用分支系统学方法,重建华鳊属鱼类的系统发育关系,运用外类群比较法,选择蒙古? 、大眼近红? 、鳊和三角为外类群,对34个形态学性状进行了简约性分析。
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