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用"silicalite"造句"silicalite"怎么读"silicalite" in a sentence


  • 硅质岩


  • Synthesis and characterization of titanium silicalite ts - 1 zeolite and its catalytic properties
  • The radiolarite and the biological remains in the silicalite of changkeng gold - silver deposit , guangdong
  • The two early carboniferous fragments are composed of basalt and ash - black , fuchsia radiolaria silicalite , siliceous mudstone , tuff
  • The geochemistry characteristic of fuchsia radiolarian silicalite indicates that they deposited in the of edge of oceanic basin near the continental margin , not the typical caontinental margin environment
  • The lower paleozoic strata in the south kunlun massif are kulafuhe group of cambbrian - ordovician . they consists of metamorphic detrital rocks , limestone , magnetite - bearing basalt , quartzite ( meta - silicalite ) , which suggests that they might form at active continent margin . the geochemical characteristics of volcanic and detrital rocks do indicate that they might form at an active marginal environment such as island arc etc . associated with the qimanyuter ophiolite suit , there are lots of early paleozoic granitic plutons
  • Qimanyuter ophiolite melange crops out 1 - 3 km in width and extends ew - nee about 50 km , parallels to the kunlun mountains . qimanyuter ophiolite melange is composed mainly of serpentinite ( metapyrolite ) , peridotite , bedded gabbro , grbbro , diabase sheet and pillow - like and massif basalt as well . associated sedimentary rocks with this ophiolite melange include silicalite , dark gray silicalite and thin - bedded limestone
    该混杂岩带所包含的主要岩性单位包括:蛇纹岩(变辉橄岩) 、橄榄辉石岩、层状辉长岩、辉长岩、辉绿岩席、枕状、块状、杏仁状玄武岩,与之共生的沉积岩为紫红色硅质岩、深灰色硅质岩、薄层灰岩等。
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