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small mouth中文是什么意思

用"small mouth"造句"small mouth"怎么读"small mouth" in a sentence


  • 小口
  • "small"中文翻译    adj. 1.小 (opp. large) 少 (opp ...
  • "mouth"中文翻译    n. (pl. mouths ) 1.口,口腔,嘴。 2 ...
  • "a small cherrylike mouth" 中文翻译 :    樱桃小口
  • "an small mouth" 中文翻译 :    樱桃嘴
  • "mouth gag for small animals" 中文翻译 :    携物开口器
  • "small mouth black bass" 中文翻译 :    小口黑鲈
  • "small-mouth black bass" 中文翻译 :    小口黑鲈
  • "by mouth" 中文翻译 :    经口,口服
  • "by the mouth" 中文翻译 :    内服(用)
  • "in the mouth of" 中文翻译 :    出于...之口
  • "mouth" 中文翻译 :    n. (pl. mouths ) 1.口,口腔,嘴。 2.〔 pl.〕口,(需要赡养的)人;(需要饲养的)动物。 3.口状物,出入口;孔,穴;枪口;河口,港口,喷火口;袋口(等);(乐器的)吹口。 4.咧嘴,怪脸,苦相;话,发言;代言人;人言,传闻,传说;〔俚语〕傲慢话,厚脸。 5.(啤酒等的)味儿。 a useless mouth 没用的人,饭桶。 a big mouth 〔美俚〕碎嘴子,说话冒失的人。 hungry mouths 饥饿的人们。 mouth parts 【虫类】口器。 by word of mouth 口头通知,当面告诉,口说。 down in the mouth 沮丧,垂头丧气,气馁。 from hand to mouth 现挣现吃;仅可糊口,过一天算一天。 from mouth to mouth 口口相传;挨次。 give mouth (猎狗)吠起来。 give mouth to 说出,吐露。 have a foul mouth 嘴不干净,嘴坏。 have a good [bad, hard] mouth (马)驯顺[不驯顺]。 have one's mouth made up (for sth.) 〔美国〕张开嘴准备吃东西;垂涎;期待,渴望得到。 in everyone's mouth 人人都如此说。 in [with] a French mouth 用法国腔调。 in the mouth of 出于…之口,据…说。 Keep your mouth shut and your ears open. 〔谚语〕多听少讲。 laugh on the worng side of one's mouth 由得意变失意,转喜为悲。 make a mouth [make mouths] at 对…咧嘴,皱眉头。 make one's mouth water 使垂涎,使羡慕。 open one's mouth 开口,开始说话。 open one's mouth too wide 口气过大,要求过多,要价过高。 put words into one's mouth 说是某人那样讲过;教某人怎样讲。 shoot off one's mouth 〔俚语〕信口开河,滔滔不绝。 sound strange in one's mouth 某人讲就觉得奇怪。 stop sb.'s mouth 堵住某人的嘴;强使人停止讲话。 take the bread out of sb.'s mouth 夺人饭碗,夺人生计。 take the words out of sb.'s mouth 说出某人心里要讲的话。 with full [open] mouth 大声地。 with one mouth 〔罕用语〕异口同声地。 vt. 1.说出;用演说腔调讲;附和着说;含糊地说。 2.用口衔;放进嘴里嚼;嚼;吃。 3.使(马)咬惯马嚼子。 4.用嘴接触,吻。 vi. 1.(特指轻蔑时的)歪嘴。 2.大声讲,叫骂;怒骂;装腔作势地讲。 3.(河)注入 (in into)。
  • "of by or for the mouth" 中文翻译 :    口中
  • "s mouth" 中文翻译 :    替我说了(你所说的正是我想要说的); 听马说的(根据最可靠的消息来源)
  • "the mouth" 中文翻译 :    口吐泡沫
  • "mouth to mouth" 中文翻译 :    口对口; 子谠嘴的; 嘴对嘴
  • "mouth-to-mouth" 中文翻译 :    adj. 口对口的〔人工呼吸的一种方式〕。
  • "in the small" 中文翻译 :    局部的
  • "s small" 中文翻译 :    小码
  • "small" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.小 (opp. large) 少 (opp. large, numerous) 细小的;窄小的;琐细的;些微的;少额的(收入等);小规模的。 2.吝啬的,小器的,小心眼儿的。 3.难为情的,觉得羞耻的;低级的,贫穷的;卑劣的。 4.(雨)细微的;(声音)微弱的;(酒等)清淡的。 ★ little 含有可怜可爱的意思, small 只照实叙述事实。 a small (bottle of) soda (water) 一小瓶苏打水。 a small audience 人数不多的听众。 small years 小时候,幼年。 small arms 轻便武器,〔尤指〕步枪。 small errors 小过,小错。 small rain 细雨。 He has small French and less German. 他不大懂法语,德语更不行。 It is small of you to say so. 你这样说那就小气了。 a small nature 小心眼。 small cares and worries 无谓的操心烦恼。 small punkins 〔美国〕无足轻重的;所谓要人;〔讽刺语〕小要人〔其实是不足道的小人物〕。 and small blame to him 对他没有多少可以责备的地方。 and small wonder 没有什么奇怪的。 and such small deer 其他闲杂人等,其他的人们。 be great in small matters 小事聪明。 by small and small 慢慢地,一点一点地。 feel small 觉得难为情,觉得羞耻。 in a small way 小规模地;朴素地。 in small numbers 少。 It is small wonder that (这件事)并不足怪。 live in a small way 简朴谨慎地过日子。 look small 显得渺小,自渐形秽。 of no small consequence 重大的。 on the small side 比较小。 n. 1.〔the small〕 细小部分;〔尤指〕腰部。 2.小物,琐碎东西;身分低的人。 3.〔pl.〕小商品;〔英口〕小件洗濯物;〔英牛津大学〕〔pl.〕=responsions. (the) great and (the) small 身分高高低低的人们。 a small and early 人少而早散的晚会。 in small=〔罕用语〕 in the small 小规模。 Small is beautiful. 〔谚语〕小的就是好的,越小越好。 adv. 小声地,轻轻地(讲等)。
  • "small is" 中文翻译 :    斯莫尔群岛
  • "from mouth to mouth" 中文翻译 :    广泛流传; 口口相传
  • "mm = mouth-to-mouth resuscitation" 中文翻译 :    口对口人工呼吸
  • "mouth to mouth breathing" 中文翻译 :    口对口呼吸
  • "mouth to mouth method" 中文翻译 :    口吸法
  • "mouth to mouth respiration" 中文翻译 :    口对口呼气


  • His small mouth with its upper lip out above the lower, his eyelids a little dropped over his watchful eyes, gave him a satirical and resolute expression .
  • Have remarkably big eyes and incredibly small mouths
  • He ' s got a very small mouth , a banana and a pair of thievish - looking eyes
  • 4 a husband is a man with lots of small mouths to feed and one big one to listen to
  • The break flakes are easily digested and is deal for all small mouthed tropical fish , such as guppies , tetras and barbs
  • I am a cute girl . i have a round face , two big eyes , a small nose , a small mouth , short brown hair and a pair of glasses , too
  • She is tall and fit . she has long hair , big eyes , little nose and a small mouth . everything on her face is beautiful , i think
  • Catherine ' s my friend . she ' s cute . she has long hair , small eyes , small nose and small mouth . she likes english and sports
  • Jessica is my friend . she is a beautiful girl . she has long hair , small eyes , small mouth and big ears . she likes english , music and painting . she is cute
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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