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音标:[ 'steppeərənt ]  发音:  
名词复数: stepparents   
用"stepparent"造句"stepparent"怎么读"stepparent" in a sentence"stepparent"的同义词


  • n.


  • Stepparent , defined as
  • Article 27 maltreatment or discrimination shall not be permitted between stepparents and stepchildren
  • You know , going to work and pretending to be someone ' s not even parent but their stepparent
  • Along the rise of the divorce rate , there are many increases of a new family form , a reorganized family , and the relationship of a stepparent and a stepchild is a difficult problem in marriage disputes
  • Article 22 the stepparent or foster parent shall fulfill the duties for crime prevention that parents shall assume for minor children as prescribed in this law for his minor stepchild or foster child he fosters and educates
  • Other member ( s ) of the family includes grandchild , stepparent , stepchild , brother , sister , mother - in - law , father - in - law , son - in - law , daughter - in - law , brother - in - law , sister - in - law , child of a brother or sister of whole blood , half - brother and half - sister , any of whom shall be residing with the employee as a member of the same household for the period of 24 months immediately preceding the accident
  • A child ; a parent or grandparent ; or a grandchild , stepparent , stepchild , brother , sister , mother - in - law , father - in - law , son - in - law , daughter - in - law , brother - in - law , sister - in - law , child of a brother or sister of whole blood , half - brother and half - sister , any of whom shall be residing with the employee as a member of the same household for the period of 24 months immediately preceding the accident


  • the spouse of your parent by a subsequent marriage

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