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broadcast 同义词

  1. program, programme
    英文释义: 名词 a radio or television show; "did you see his program last night?"

  1. circulate, circularize, circularise, distribute, disseminate, propagate, spread, diffuse, disperse, pass around
    英文释义: 动词 cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"

  1. air, send, beam, transmit
    英文释义: 动词 broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television; "We cannot air this X-rated song"


  • broadcast 英文释义:message that is transmitted by radio or television
  • broadcast 中文翻译adj.1.撒播的;广泛散布的。2.【无线电】播音的,广播的。短语和例子n.1.(种子的)撒播。2.无线电广播,播音;广播节目。短语和例子vt.(broadcast,broadcasted)1.【无线电】广播。2.散布,乱传(消息等)。3.撒播(种子)。 The President will broadcast his message on all stations tonight. 总统今晚将向全国广播咨文。 She broadcast(ed) the gossip all over the town. 她把这个流言传遍了全镇。vi.1.【无线电】广播。2.在广播节目上讲话[演出]。3.散布消息[谣言等]。短语和例子
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