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curb 同义词

  1. bridle, check
    英文释义: 名词 the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess; "his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper"

  1. curbing, kerb
    英文释义: 名词 an edge between a sidewalk and a roadway consisting of a line of curbstones (usually forming part of a gutter)

  1. curb bit
    英文释义: 名词 a horse''s bit with an attached chain or strap to check the horse

  1. restrict, curtail, cut back
    英文释义: 动词 place restrictions on; "curtail drinking in school"

  1. suppress, stamp down, inhibit, subdue, conquer
    英文释义: 动词 to put down by force or authority; "suppress a nascent uprising"; "stamp down on littering"; "conquer one''s desires"

  1. control, hold in, hold, contain, check, moderate
    英文释义: 动词 lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits; "moderate your alcohol intake"; "hold your tongue"; "hold your temper"; "control your anger"


  • curb 英文释义:the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess; "his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper"
  • curb 中文翻译n.1.勒马绳,马衔索。2.限制,抑制,拘束;制止。3.(生于后足使马成瘸脚的)硬瘤。4.(人行道的)镶边;井栏;【建筑】缘饰。5.〔美国〕(证券的)场外市场〔又作 curb market (=〔英国〕 kerb market)〕;场外经纪人。短语和例子vt.1.给(马)扣上马衔。2.制止,束缚。3.用石块镶…的边;在…处设井栏。短语和例子
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