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then 同义词

  1. so, and so, and then, so, and so, and then
    英文释义: 副词 subsequently or soon afterward (often used as sentence connectors); "then he left"; "go left first, then right"; "first came lightning, then thunder"; "we watched the late movie and then went to bed"; "and so home and to bed"

  1. so, and so, and then, so, and so, and then
    英文释义: 副词 subsequently or soon afterward (often used as sentence connectors); "then he left"; "go left first, then right"; "first came lightning, then thunder"; "we watched the late movie and then went to bed"; "and so home and to bed"


  • then 英文释义:that time; that moment; "we will arrive before then"; "we were friends from then on"
  • then 中文翻译adv.,1.〔指过去或未来的一个特定时间〕那时,当时。2.〔表示顺序〕(a) 〔时间〕然后,其次。(b) 〔序列〕此外,加上,加之,而且。 (c)〔推理〕既然这样,那么;因此。 短语和例子adj.当时的。 the then conditions 当时的情况。 the then ruler 当时的统治者。n.那时。 before then 那时以前。 by then 到那时,那时。 from then on 从那时起。 since then 那时以来,以后。 till then 到那时,那时以前。 every now and then 时时。
then的同義詞then相同意義的詞匯then synonyms