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用"task-forces"造句"task-forces"怎么读"task-forces" in a sentence


  • 特别任务组


  • The congressional watchdogs will even unearth that old chestnut ? the decision to put dick cheney , the vice - president , in charge of a task - force on energy that advocated all - out drilling
    议员们甚至要翻出旧账? ?让副总统切尼负责能源特派工作组的决定,号称全面钻探,果真如此?
  • This is a 10 - day programme with an objective to strengthen and develop the relationship among tourism and services management institutes . during the programme period , the students will be grouped in a task - force format and at the end will be required to present a topic based on observational study , discussion , and analysis , with application and implications for international tourism education . students will attend seminars and field trips on different themes relating to the overall topic
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