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用"xiaofei"造句"xiaofei"怎么读"xiaofei" in a sentence


  • 段飞


  • Xie xiaofei , chen wenfeng , et al . what risks are chinese people concerned about ? xxvii international congress of psychology . july 23 - 28 , 2000 . stockholm , sweden
    谢晓非、陈文锋。管理人员个人影响力训练方法探讨。全国工业心理学与认知功效学学术年会。 2000 , 6 ,中国、杭州。
  • Zhang yingying , cai xiangfeng and li mingke attempered , mao xueshen , li yuanlong organized , yu xin , li xiaofei collected information , the 8 teams responded actively to this contest , we thanked them here too
  • " any chinese man above the age of 18 who respects and cares about women and is willing to shoulder family responsibilities equally can be part of the competition , " china women ' s news editor - in - chief lu xiaofei said yesterday
    此次活动由中国妇女报等九家女性刊物联合举办。中国妇女报总编卢小飞昨天说: “参加评选的男性必须在18岁以上,而且要尊重关爱女性平等分担家庭责任。 ”
  • And the shenzhou vi mission is not planned to involve walking and docking , said zhou xiaofei , director of the manned space engineering office under the china aerospace science and technology corporation , which is responsible for the development of the shenzhou spaceship
  • And the shenzhou vi mission is not planned to involve space walking and docking , said zhou xiaofei , director of the manned space engineering office under the china aerospace science and technology corporation , which is responsible for the development of the shenzhou spaceship
  • And the shenzhou vi mission is not planned to involve space walking and docking , said zhou xiaofei , director of the manned space engineering office under the china aerospace science and technology corporation , which is responsible for the development of the shenzhou spaceship
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