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  • 1055 ad    The center of the district is the Benedictine Tihany Abbey, which was founded in 1055 AD by Andr醩 ( Andrew ) I, who is buried in the crypt. It is thought, however, that there was an earlie...
  • 1055 bc    Dendrochronological investigations of the stilts have determined that many of the houses were built between 1776 and 1600 BC . On top of the older settlement, a smaller Late Bronze Age set...
  • 1055 ce    Jayasimha's Mandhata grant of 1055 CE mentions his predecessors as Bhoja, Sindhuraja and Vakpati. However, Bhoja had died in 1055 CE, nearly 25 years before Vigraharaja's ascension. On the...
  • 1055年    和二年(1055年),后几经重修。 他也是巴伐利亚公爵(1055年起)。 1046年至1055年间多次平息贵族的叛乱。 到和二年(1055年朝廷赐额灵龟寺。 (1055年?1101年在位),在位长达47年。 四、宋朝人,生于1055年,卒于1089年。 通宗即位后,1055年9月被尊为皇太后。 此诗作于1055年(至和二年)。 1055年,侬智高因故被大理国朝廷处决。 (1...
  • bwv 1055    The slow movement of BWV 1055 is a highly expressive Larghetto in F minor and 12 / 8 time. The third movement of BWV 1055, marked Allegro ma non tanto, is in A major and the lively tempo o...
  • deaths in 1055    On his father's death in 1055, Vratislaus became duke of Olomouc, whereas his older brother became Duke of Bohemia as Spytihnv II . He fell out with his brother and was exiled to Hungary...
  • ngc 1055    The separation between NGC 1055 and M77 is about 442, 000 light-years. NCG 1087 lies near the small M77 ( NGC 1068 ) galaxy group that also includes NGC 936, NGC 1055, and NGC 1090. "' NGC...
  • united nations security council resolution 1055    "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1055 "', adopted unanimously on 8 May 1996, after reaffirming Resolution 696 ( 1991 ) and all subsequent resolutions on Angola, the Council di...
  • year 1055    It is derived from Lupu and with a suffix-one It exists on a document in the year 1055 which mentioned a settlement as Lopone. The highest Chinese pagoda from the pre-modern age is the Lia...
  • 前1055年    生于公元前1055年年,13岁即位,卒于公元前1021年,在位22年。 卫康叔名姬封,公元前1055年,周公姬旦平定武庚叛乱,封康叔于卫(今天河南淇县朝歌),建立卫国。 据周康王二十五年(公元前1055年)铸造的“小盂鼎铭文”记述,姬盂攻鬼方得胜,俘13000多人,此后,鬼方民族销声匿迹,史记不再。 加上梁启超提出的前1027年,唐兰提出的前1075年(《新建...

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