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  • 1146 ad    The subsequent inscriptions of Telugu Chodas and Kakatiyas mentioned  Kammanadu ( E . g ., Konidena inscription of Tribhuvana Malla  1146 AD ). In 2002, the Roma Tre University conducte...
  • 1146 ce    His 1146 CE Lar inscription mentions that it was issued from Mudgagiri ( modern Munger ), which is located further east. Rajyapala bore the title " Maharajaputra " ( prince ), as attested ...
  • 1146年    皇统六年(1146年)病卒,终年65岁。 1146年亨利从母亲手中获得了政权。 久安2年(1146年)举行着?仪式。 始建于1146年,至今已有近860年的历史。 ?1146年)字子文,一字季默。 久安21146年2月1日正四位下。 城市面貌保存良好(建于1146年的石桥)。 19岁:1146年(高宗绍兴十六年)谆公登科。 “十六年(1146年)秋,全新置忠义军籍。 114...
  • deaths in 1146    After Husayn's death in 1146, he was succeeded by his son Sayf al-Din Suri. Some unconfirmed sources alleged, that the roots of Family Imad ancestors are associated with those of Imad ad-D...
  • united nations security council resolution 1146    "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1146 "', adopted unanimously on 23 December 1997, after recalling all 1117 ( 1997 ), the Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Pe...
  • year 1146    The history of the abbey dates back to the year 1146, when two knights of Krzy | anowice. During the years 1146-47 he travelled with Bernard through France and Germany, where the saint ar...
  • 前1146年    公元前243年,加入希腊南部古国--亚该亚联盟,至今保留的碑铭上,记载着公元前1146年罗马人在科林斯与亚该亚人作战时,埃皮达鲁斯人的死亡名单。 开氏始祖:泰伯:古公?父长子.殷高宗武丁四十年戊申{约公元前1212年}正月初九生,卒于殷商庚丁二年甲寅{约公元前1146年}三月初五,享年66岁,卒无嗣.墓在常州无锡县北.梅里村。

如何用1146造句,用1146造句1146 in a sentence, 用1146造句和1146的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。