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  • 1189 ad    A since time immemorial'( 1189 AD ), it becomes a source of law. In 586 AH . / 1189 AD, Sihali was conquered by Shekh Nizam-ud-din of Herat, Ansari. The pub claims that it was established ...
  • 1189 bc    In East Asia, the Lateral succession system is first recorded in the pre-historical period starting with the late Shang Dynasty's Wai Bing succeeding his brother Da Ding, and then in conne...
  • 1189 ce    The 1189 CE Mutgi inscription of the Yadava king Bhillama V states that he defeated the Gurjaras ( that is, Chaulukyas of Gujarat ). The 1189 CE Mutugi inscription of Bhillama boasts that ...
  • 1189 terentia    "' 1189 Terentia "', provisional designation 1930 SG, is a main-belt asteroid discovered on September 17, 1930, by Russian astronomer Grigory Neujmin at the Crimean Simeiz Observatory.
  • 1189年    始建于金大定年间(1161年?1189年)。 2、46-65岁,入蜀从军至1189年被罢斥。 1189年,通过联姻兼领西西里王国。 始建时间为宋淳熙间(1174~1189年)。 1189年于六条院崩御,葬于花园东陵。 1189年(淳熙十六年)卒,年五十五。 1189年成为霍亨斯道芬王国的一部分。 的第二位国王,在位期为1189年至1199年。 十六年(1189年)再行两广官...
  • crusade of 1189    It says much for his leadership that the First Crusade succeeded in crossing Asia Minor, in which the Crusades of 1189 all failed. When Frederick Barbarossa went on the Crusade of 1189, He...
  • deaths in 1189    After his father's death in 1189 he inherited the title of feudal Duke of Normandy. On his death in 1189, the monastery was again left without a clear patron for a number of years. On Will...
  • united nations security council resolution 1189    "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1189 "', adopted unanimously on 13 August 1998, after expressing its deep disturbance at the bombings in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Ta...
  • year 1189    We know nothing of him after the year 1189. The year 1189 was defined in 1276 as being the boundary of time immemorial. Conradus, Reis de Lucelenbach, was the first ancestor of the Franken...

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