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  • Scissors as we know them were developed in the late 1200s.
  • The 1000 Spider is replaced by the CG 1200S in 1968.
  • Major changes occurred in the Mongol Empire in the late 1200s.
  • Gaute Erlingson was a nobleman from the 1200s who lived here.
  • In the 1200s, Finland was incorporated into the Swedish Empire.
  • The statue in Bamberg, Germany, was carved in the 1200s.
  • Formed in 1200s AD by Sheikh Jaber Al-maskari.
  • Motorcycle units primarily consist of BMW RT-1200s.
  • The engines in them are from Datsun 1200s and also Toyota 3K Engines.
  • Didcot first appears in historical records in the 1200s as Dudcotte, Berkshire.
  • It's difficult to see 1200s in a sentence. 用1200s造句挺难的
  • A major remodeling in the 1200s gave the church a new Gothic choir.
  • It was built sometime in the 1200s or before.
  • The area was abandoned in the early 1200s, apparently during an extended drought.
  • Its cliff dwellings date to the 1200s and pit houses date to the 500s.
  • The first examples of Azerbaijani literature date to the late 1200s following the Persian.
  • Originally, the high school hosted a vocational school in the modern lower 1200s.
  • The Old Orre Church, built in the 1200s, is located in Orre.
  • I have a UMAX 1200S scanner which worked fine with my Windows 98 operating system.
  • It was built in the late 1200s.
  • This Roger and John of the 1200s, are the first to use the surname.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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