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  • 1437 ad    A foreign missionary melted the instrument in 1715 AD . The surviving one was built in 1437 AD and was taken to what is now Germany. In 1424 AD, Kirmani dedicated to Ulugh Beg his commenta...
  • 1437 diomedes    For reference, also see the minor planets 1143 Odysseus, 5700 Homerus, 911 Agamemnon, 1437 Diomedes, 192 Nausikaa and 5418 Joyce. "' 1437 Diomedes "'is a Jupiter trojan orbiting near the L...
  • 1437年    的埃里克国王于1437年武装统制。 1437年后,他转而拥护尤金四世。 生于明正统丁巳(公元1437年)。 正统二年,(1437年)二月告成。 前者死于1435年,后者一直任摄政至1437年。 始建于明正统二年(1437年)。 正统二年(1437年)的一天。 明正统二年(1437年)重建。 1437年,贝萨里翁被皇帝任命为尼西亚的主教。 二年(1437年)的一天。 明正统二...
  • deaths in 1437    Following Sigismund's death in 1437, the Order lost prominence. After his death in 1437 his workshop passed to his pupil Mariano d Antonio. Knin and the surrounding possessions were resto...
  • year 1437    After the year 1437 we hear of only the von Ehingen family in Kilchberg. :Neil-wasse-MacKay, immediately after his release out of the Bass, the year 1437, entered into Caithness, and spoil...

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