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  • 1517 ad    The present Shrine was built in 923 A . H . ( 1517 AD ). His ships became part of the first Portuguese fleet that paid an official visit to the Chinese empire in 1517 AD. Krishnaraya, 1517...
  • 1517 bc    The reestablished kingdom was ruled by kings of whom nothing but their names is known; the first is Sarra-El, who might have been the son of Yarim-Lim III . The last king of the dynasty to...
  • 1517 beograd    "' 1517 Beograd "', provisional designation, is a dark Paduan asteroid from the middle region of the asteroid belt, approximately 36 kilometers in diameter.
  • 1517 ce    Within Gwalior Fort, also built by Raja Mansingh Tomar, is the Man Mandir Palace, built between 1486 CE and 1517 CE. The temple car is believed to have been donated by Krishnadeva Raya in ...
  • 1517年    明正德十二年(公元1517年)进士。 1517年,葡萄牙人开始与中国通商。 1517年10月,麦哲伦愤而迁往西班牙。 1517年(中宗十二年)册封王妃。 正德十二年(1517年),时文征明48岁。 1517年,黎巴嫩沦为奥斯曼帝国属地。 正德十二年(1517年),时文徵明48岁。 1517年以前为渔村,后建起海港。 1517年达延汗死后,鞑靼又陷于分裂。 于1517年10月...
  • ad 1517    Krishnaraya, 1517 AD . This is dated Saka 1438, Dhatri, Pushya ba . 7, Wednesday, corresponding to AD 1517, 14 January. In AD 1517, Sultan Selim I confirmed the monastery s prerogatives, ...
  • deaths in 1517    Jacob administered the Syriac Orthodox Church until his death in 1517. Sikandar Lodi died a natural death in 1517, and his second son Ibrahim Lodi assumed power. From 1512 to her death in ...
  • henson airlines flight 1517    Henson Airlines Flight 1517 was a regular scheduled flight from Baltimore-Washington International Airport to Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport. On September 23, 1985, "'Henson Airlines F...
  • kosmos 1517    Kosmos 1511 Gorizont No . 18L Kosmos 1512 Kosmos 1513 Kosmos 1514 Kosmos 1515 Molniya-3 No . 35 Kosmos 1516 Kosmos 1517 Kosmos 1518 Kosmos 1519 Kosmos 1520 Kosmos 1521
  • tm 1517    In comparison to the genus " Australopithecus ", TM 1517 is a bit larger, more robust with a flatter face and smaller canines.
  • united nations security council resolution 1517    "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1517 "', adopted unanimously on 24 November 2003, after reaffirming all Resolution 1251 ( 1999 ), the Council extended the mandate of the Unit...
  • year 1517    Von Lichtenfels was born into a W黵ttemberg family around the year 1517. In the year 1517, he completed his magnum opus, Toldot Yitzchak. The fort was built in the year 1517 and at present ...

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