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  • 1582 ad    The Gregorian Calendar did not have retrospective effect prior to its introduction date of 15 October 1582 AD .-- talk ) 06 : 24, 16 September 2010 ( UTC)
  • 1582 bc    The greatest number of eclipses in one year was four, in 1600 BC, 1582 BC, 1564 BC, and 1535 BC . Two months, June 1535 BC and May 1524 BC, had two eclipses. The Hyksos, by contrast, were ...
  • 1582 cagayan battles    The "'1582 Cagayan battles "'were a series of clashes between the Spanish colonizers of the Philippines led by Captain Juan Pablo de Carri髇, and Wokou ( possibly Japanese pirates ) headed ...
  • 1582 ce    He reigned from 1512 1582 CE. It is identical to the Gregorian calendar between 15 October 1582 CE and 28 February 2400 CE ( both dates inclusive ). Akbar s courtier and critic, Abdul Ba...
  • 1582 in science    The year "'1582 in science "'and technology included a number of events, some of which are listed here.
  • 1582 martir    The asteroids 1569 Evita, 1581 Abanderada, 1582 Martir and 1589 Fanatica were also discovered by Itzigsohn, and were also given names in tribute to Per髇. The asteroids 1569 Evita, 1581 Aba...
  • 1582年    答案:1582年10月4日的明天是1582年10月15日! 1582年7月9日张居正在首辅任上去世。 晴政于1582年病死,享年六十五岁。 万历十年(1582年)邑令黄醇所建。 。1582年冬,缅甸进犯永昌、腾越。 一向宗的加贺政权也于1582年失败。 (1582年),织田信长死难的消息。 晴政於1582年病死,享年六十五岁。 时为万历十年(1582年)春,年67岁。 15...
  • ad 1582    A stone inscribed " AD 1582 MB " commemorates Alexander and his wife Marjory Bruce. "In this article, except where explicitly noted to the contrary, Western-style dates prior to October 5,...
  • deaths in 1582    He held both titles until his death in 1582. Fernando held both titles until his death in 1582. Thenceforth, Mingrelia experienced a relative peace until Giorgi's death in 1582. At the tim...
  • united nations security council resolution 1582    "' United Nations Security Council resolution 1582 "', adopted unanimously on 28 January 2005, after reaffirming all Resolution 1554 ( 2004 ), the Council extended the mandate of the Unite...
  • year 1582    According to the Gregorian calendar, 10 days had to be dropped from the year 1582. During the year 1582, Harunobu lost Shimabara Castle and was reduced to holding a thin strip of the penin...

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