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disk failure造句

"disk failure"是什么意思  
  • A failover cluster does not protect against disk failure
  • There was a disk failure in the einstein @ home project server
  • Does not protect against disk failure
  • Survives disk failure
  • Ide hard disk failure
  • Research on efficient triple disk failure tolerance data placement scheme based on parity code
  • Gene : i hope not , but it could be , like a hard disk failure for example
  • There are a number of steps to take as safeguards against the possibility of disk failure or other serious system problems
  • In this section , i ll walk you through the process of simulating a disk failure , and then bringing your raid volume back out of degraded mode
  • Errors that occur during an asynchronous read request , such as a disk failure during the i o request , occur on the thread pool thread and throw exceptions when calling
    异步读取请求期间出现的错误(如i / o请求期间的磁盘故障)发生在线程池线程上,并在调用
  • It's difficult to see disk failure in a sentence. 用disk failure造句挺难的
  • Errors that occur during an asynchronous write request , such as a disk failure during the i o request , occur on the thread pool thread and become visible upon a call to
    异步写请求期间出现的错误(例如i / o请求期间的磁盘失败)在线程池线程上发生,并且在调用
  • Errors that occur during an asynchronous write request , such as a disk failure during the i o request , occur on the thread pool thread and throw exceptions when calling
    异步写请求期间出现的错误(如i / o请求中期间出现的磁盘故障)发生在线程池线程上,并且在调用
  • For more information about being prepared for possible disk failure or other serious system problems , see " backups and other safeguards " earlier in this appendix
    有关预防可能的磁盘故障或其他严重系统问题的详细信息,请参阅本附录前面的“备份和其他保护措施” ,也可参阅备份程序的帮助。
  • A database can be protected from the disk failures to a varying degree , depending on the resources and the application by setting up the system with any one of the following configurations
  • Failures in databases other than the mirrored database are not detectable in a database mirroring session . moreover , a data disk failure is unlikely to be detected , unless the database is restarted because of a data disk failure
  • This requires a lot more understanding and knowledge than just setting up raid - 1 on a test server or at home - specifically , you ll need to know exactly what raid - 1 will protect you against , and how to keep your raid volume up and running in case of a disk failure
    与只是在测试服务器上或者在家中安装raid - 1相比,这要求您对raid有更深入的理解,并掌握更多的知识尤其是,您需要准确知道raid - 1可以提供哪些保护,并要了解万一出现磁盘故障,如何使raid卷保持在启动运行状态。
如何用disk failure造句,用disk failure造句disk failure in a sentence, 用disk failure造句和disk failure的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。