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  • It is found in the bacterium species " Eubacterium oxidoreducens ".
  • Actinomyces " spp . and " Eubacterium nodatum " are often recovered in infections associated with intrauterine devices.
  • It is a metabolite in the degradation of 3, 4, 5-trihydroxybenzoate ( gallic acid ) by " Eubacterium oxidoreducens ".
  • ASF 492 is confirmed by 16S rRNA sequences as " Eubacterium pexicaudatum ", and is closely related to " Roseburia ceciola ".
  • Anaerobic species of bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis, Bacteroides forsythus, Treponema denticola, Prevotella intermedia, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Eubacterium sp . have all been implicated in chronic periodontitis.
  • Some parent C29 to C32 diacids but with methyl groups on the carbons C-13 and C-16 have been isolated and characterized from the lipids of thermophilic anaerobic eubacterium Themanaerobacter ethanolicus.
  • Most of these proteins are thought to contain a selenide-ligand to a molybdopterin cofactor at their active sites ( e . g . nicotinate dehydrogenase of " Eubacterium barkeri ", or xanthine dehydrogenases ).
  • By means of enzymes ( esterase, de-epoxidase ), yeast ( " Trichosporon mycotoxinvorans " ), or bacterial strains ( Eubacterium BBSH 797 ), mycotoxins can be reduced during pre-harvesting contamination.
  • The type strain for this genus, " Eggerthella lenta ", was known as " Eubacterium lentum " prior to 1999 . The genus is named for Arnold Eggerth, who first described the organism in 1935.
  • ""'Eubacterium acidaminophilum " "'is a Gram-positive bacterium species in the genus " Eubacterium ", notable for being an amino acid-degrading obligate anaerobe producing or utilizing H 2 or formate.
  • It's difficult to see eubacterium in a sentence. 用eubacterium造句挺难的
  • ""'Eubacterium acidaminophilum " "'is a Gram-positive bacterium species in the genus " Eubacterium ", notable for being an amino acid-degrading obligate anaerobe producing or utilizing H 2 or formate.
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