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  • That makes us all one faceless herd
  • That makes us all one faceless herd
  • Crowds of faceless people pour into the city each day
  • The fear of security risks in the faceless net is as real as ever
  • How could i face the faceless daysif i should lose you now
  • This vision is also threatened by the faceless enemies of human dignity : plague and starvation and hopeless poverty
  • There are legions of equally faceless sub - contractors , who are collectively responsible for much of the astonishing growth in chinese exports
  • Whenever damage is received , faceless void moves a moment back in time to try to dodge that damage . can backtrack both physical and magical attacks
  • But … in the cold hearted , faceless world of the internet , being able to reach the audience you want , with sincerity , warmth and with a ' face ' , doesn ' t come easily to most
    但是: :在冷心肠,不露面的世界因特网观众能达到你想要,诚恳、热情、有'面子' ,大部分来之不易
  • In that sense , the suicide of a faceless figure like mr zhang , and the furore it has prompted , might prove the death - knell of all china ' s anonymous industrialists
  • It's difficult to see faceless in a sentence. 用faceless造句挺难的
  • It ' s in the second part , the sith war , that the concept of the faceless mandalore leader appeared , and the warriors were depicted as nomadic , with ideals - for - hire
  • We ' ll have the best of both worlds - you - with your faceless neighbors . . . me with my golf and beer . i enjoy doing that sort of thing so much
  • In that sense , the suicide of a faceless figure like mr zhang , and the furore it has prompted , might prove the death - knell of all china ' s anonymous industrialists
  • While it ' s essential to heed these , it ' s also important to empathize with and inspire your audience so they feel you ' re treating them less like a faceless user and more like a human being
  • Elder wars ? the angels launch a crusade on the faceless . the destruction is terrible , and the elder races suffer tremendously . early elf civilizations and kingdoms are destroyed
  • On the other hand , self - regulation alone does not seem to be able to answer all the doubts of customers , investors and business partners . the fear of security risks in the faceless net is as real as ever
  • Probably the most popular , influential and enduring rock group of all time , the beatles almost single - handedly reshaped rock n roll from a genre of throwaway singles by faceless stars to an artistic medium with recognizable images and idols
    The beatles是无疑世纪的最有影响的乐队。在8年的时间中,他们不但改变了摇滚乐和流行乐,而且,永远的改变了所有音乐的面貌。
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