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  • His works also included " The Holcroft Covenant,"
  • Holcroft initially leased the property and bought it outright in 1544.
  • Mrs . Holcroft said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph newspaper.
  • Holcroft made his fortune mainly by speculation in monastic lands.
  • "The Holcroft Covenant, " 1985.
  • Holcroft's method had a number of advantages.
  • Holcroft probably also used his good relationship with Cecil to communicate his loyalty.
  • As commissioner, Holcroft accepted surrender of the house on 7 September 1538.
  • Holcroft responded with a litany of charges of sharp practice against the abbot.
  • Holcroft's use of his lands was enterprising, if not exploitative.
  • It's difficult to see holcroft in a sentence. 用holcroft造句挺难的
  • Funding was also provided by Sir Charles Holcroft.
  • Holcroft was involved in trials of the Anderson recompression system between 1930 and 1935.
  • During this period Holcroft visited Paget's homes a total of nine times.
  • The parliament lasted for only one month and Holcroft never sat in parliament again.
  • Holcroft eventually formed a church on congregational principles, and, after being Eversden.
  • In July 1539 Holcroft obtained the wardships of William and Anne Radcliffe of Winmarleigh.
  • Thomas being a younger son was not first in line to inherit the Holcroft lands.
  • Holcroft was returned for Sir Rhys Mansel.
  • Thomas Holcroft died on 31 July 1558.
  • However, John Holcroft was certainly pricked as High Sheriff of Lancashire for 1537 38.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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