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  • Properties of ols : minimize the sum of squared residuals
  • We are discussing whether ols estimator satisfy asymptotic normality
  • The error cannot be observed but can be estimated from ols residuals
  • Without this assumption , ols will be biased and inconsistent
    如果这个较弱的假定也不成立, ols将是有偏而且不一致的。
  • Study of 2 - iodo - 3 - phenylsulfinyl - 2 - propen - 1 - ols by self - chemical ionization mass spectrometry
  • We begin by establishing the unbiasedness of ols estimators under a set of assumptions
  • The urbanization model and process in bohai sea surrounding area in the 1990s by using dmsp ols data
  • We say that ols estimators are asymptotically efficient among a certain class of estimators under the gauss - markov assumptions
  • Exception : if the new regressor is perfectly multicollinear with the original regressors , then ols cannot be implemented
  • A general proof of consistency of the ols estimators from the multivariate regression case can be shown through matrix manipulations
  • It's difficult to see ols in a sentence. 用ols造句挺难的
  • It is worth emphasizing that a seemingly low r - squared does not necessarily mean that an ols regression equation is useless
    在社会科学中,特别是在截面数据分析中,回归方程得到低的r -平方值并不罕见。
  • If ols chooses any value other than zero , it must be that this value reduced the ssr relative to the regression that excludes the regressor
    如果ols使此解释变量取任何非零系数,那么加入此变量之后, ssr降低了。
  • Reason no . 1 : we may prefer to report the usual ols standard errors and test statistics unless there is evidence of heteroskedasticity
    理由1 :除非有证据显示异方差存在,我们仍会偏好于常规ols的标准差及检验统计量。
  • Idea : because the ols estimates are chosen to minimize the sum of squared residuals , the ssr always increases when variables are dropped from the model
    由于ols是用于最小化残差平方和,当有变量被从模型中舍弃时, ssr必定上升
  • To prove that ols estimators are asymptotically efficient , one needs to ( 1 ) present an estimator that is consistent but its variance is larger
    为了证明ols估计量是渐近有效的,我们需要( 1 )给出一致的估计量但证明它有更大的方差。
  • In such case , the usual ols standard error is invalid . the t statistics is also invalid , and tend to be too large in the case of > 0
    在这种情况下,通常的ols标准差不再正确。 t统计量也不再正确。在第二项为正的情况下, t会变大。
  • The results are compared with the ols ' s results ( supposing the two transition be the second order transition ) and all results are plotted in the same figure
  • If ols happens to choose the coefficient on the new regressor to be exactly zero , then ssr will be the same whether or not the second variable is included in the regression
    如果ols恰好使第二个解释变量系数取零,那么不管回归是否加入此解释变量, ssr相同。
  • If we are presented with an estimator that is both linear and unbiased , then we know that the variance of this estimator is at least as large as that from ols
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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