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oxygen measurement造句

"oxygen measurement"是什么意思  
  • In order to improve measurement precision and display fidelity of the instrument , three new methods of nonlinear calibration of thermal instruments , which are based on intelligent control theory , are presented in this paper , such as nonlinear compensation of zr02 oxygen measurement instrument using bp nn , nonlinear calibration of temperature measurement sensors using cmac nn and nonlinear identification of throttle flow meter using ga . these methods prove to be not only simple but also effective
    火电厂热工仪表普遍存在非线性特性,为了提高参数测量的准确度和仪表显示的精确度,基于智能控制理论,文中提出了热工仪表非线性校正的新方法: bp神经网络补偿氧化锆氧量计非线性特性的方法、 cmac神经网络校正测温传感器非线性特性的方法、遗传算法辩识节流式流量仪表非线性特性的方法。
  • It's difficult to see oxygen measurement in a sentence. 用oxygen measurement造句挺难的
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