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  • Mr. pocked was out lecturing .
  • The infectivity is quantified by counting the number of infective centers such as plaques pocks and foci .
  • Or is titan simply an icy satellite pocked with craters
  • The man ' s face was badly pock - marked
  • Hell did i put ? some pock or oth
  • Even as i was digging into my pocked to get out my revolver i made a running step back
  • Used in locomotive communication , pocked intercom telephones , car audio circuits , etc
  • Hey , pock face
  • The study and analysis on the working technology of pocked grass by pressing and kneading of corn ' s straw
  • The girl who was so near to me , he thinks - and all at once he understands that she has picked his pocked
    那个姑娘挨我那样近,他想? ?他立马明白了,是她偷了他的钱夹。
  • It's difficult to see pock in a sentence. 用pock造句挺难的
  • His pock - marked and wrinkled face , with little slits of eyes , beamed with self - satisfaction and merriment
  • Our products include : full titanium , pocking steel , stainless steel , aluminium alloy and zinc alloy etc . golf series
  • Why , it must be the anferovs , said an old deacon addressing a pock - marked peasant woman . lord , have mercy on us
    “这一定是安菲罗夫家的女孩, ”一个老年的教堂执事对一个麻脸的姆妈说。
  • Nearest of all to pierre stood the pock - marked peasant woman with the child . when the patrol was moving , she stepped forward
  • He slowly approached the rear pew , his clothes hanging on his thin frame , hair slicked back from his ruddy and pocked - marked face
  • The many impact craters that have pocked our moon and earth reveal our solar system can be like a shooting gallery , with asteroids and comets regularly striking planets and their companions
  • The senior artillery officer , a tall , long - legged , pock - marked man , approached pierre , as though he wanted to examine the action of the cannon at the end , and stared inquisitively at him
  • Function : pianzihuang is effective for diminishing inflammation and detoxi - fying your skin . frequent use can cure adolescent pocks , remove freckles , and make your skin feel tender , healthy , and whiter
  • A mathematical model is offered for automated warehouse ' s single - pock horizontally rotating storage shelf , and an improved ant colony optimization ( aco ) is put os put forward to solve the problem of picking route
  • In another companya lucky one , for not all had vodkathe soldiers stood in a group round a broad - shouldered , pock - marked sergeant , who was tilting a keg of vodka , and pouring it into the covers of the canteens held out to him in turn
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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