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  • Prokaryote cells evolved first and gave rise to eukaryote cells
  • Prokaryotes constitute the kingdom bacteria ( formerly the prokaryotae )
    原核生物组成细菌界(原先为原核生物界) 。
  • Analyzing the characteristics of start codon in prokaryote and yeast genomes
  • Organisms can be divided into prokaryotes and eukaryotes , the latter having a true nucleus
  • Shop assistant : mycoplasm is a kind of prokaryote living independentlywith a diameter of 100 to 200 microns
  • Shop a istant : mycoplasm is a kind of prokaryote living independentlywith a diameter of 100 to 200 micro
  • Prokaryotes lack organelles such as nucleoli , mitochondria , plastids , golgi apparatus , and do not exhibit cyclosis
  • The best studied inducible and repressible enzyme in phytopathogenic prokaryotes is endo - pectate lyase in e . carotovora
  • But if introns do not code for protein , then why are they ubiquitous among eukaryotes yet absent in prokaryotes
  • To protect themselves , organisms , starting from prokaryotes , have developed mechanisms for the recognition and elimination of pathogens
  • It's difficult to see prokaryote in a sentence. 用prokaryote造句挺难的
  • This has led to the theory ( endosymbiont theory ) that eukaryotes arose as a result of symbiotic associations between prokaryotes
    这就形成了真核生物中某些细胞器来自于共生的原核生物的理论(内共生理论) 。
  • In prokaryotes the nuclear material is simply a circular strand of dna , not complexed with histone proteins , and cell division is amitotic
    在原核生物中,核物质仅是一个简单的环状dna ,而不与组蛋白结合,并且细胞为无丝分裂。
  • Flagellum ( pl . flagella ) a whiplike extension of prokaryote cells , with a basal body at its base , whose beat causes locomotion of the cell
  • Prokaryote ( prokaryote ) an organism whose genetic material ( dna ) is not enclosed by membranes to form a nucleus but lies free in the cytoplasm
    原核生物:指遗传物质( dna )没有被膜包围形成细胞核,而是在细胞质中游离存在的一类生物体。
  • Recent molecular evidance suggests the prokaryotes actually comprise two distinct kingdoms , or even domains , the archaea and the eubacteria or bacteia
  • 5 - enolpyruvlshimimate - 3 - phosphate synthase ( epsp synthase ) is a necessary enzyme of the shikimate pathway in prokaryote , yeasts , fungi , apicomplexan parasites , plants and algae
  • Similarly , biologists have assumed that the absence of introns from prokaryotes was a consequence of intense competitive pressures in the microbial environment : evolution had pruned away the introns as deadweight
  • Many , though not all , terrestrial prokaryotes ( simple one - celled organisms such as bacteria that lack a membrane - bound nucleus ) and eukaryotes ( organisms with well - defined nuclei ) could survive this temperature range
  • Bioinformatical analysis of pprl : pprl is the first orf in what appears to be a four - gene operon containing homologues of three genes ( folp , folb and folk ) in the folate biosynthetic pathway described in other prokaryotes
    Ppri的生物信息学分析: ppri是4个紧密相连基因的第一个基因,后面的三个分别是folp 、 folb 、 folk的同源物,它们参与叶酸的生物合成,因此ppri在基因组中的位置有点特殊。
  • 208 pathogens , including 183 species of fungi , 1 bacteria , 2 fastidious prokaryotes , 1 virus , 3 nematodes and 18 mites , on the 148 bamboo species ( classification unite ) , 10 genera , 1 subfamily were collected from the relevant references in the period from 1975 to 2006
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