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  • Personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts is not allowed
  • History is a purposeless activity
  • Just as purposeless life goes to sea and sails but has no compass
  • They had lounged away in a poverty - stricken , purposeless , accidental manner , quite natural and unimpeachable
  • Stalin rightly says that " theory becomes purposeless if it is not connected with revolutionary practice "
    斯大林的话说得对: “理论若不和革命实践联系起来,就会变成无对象的理论。 ”
  • From being irresolute and purposeless , his feet became animated by an intention , and , in the working out of that intention , they took him to the doctor s door
  • To complete his strange appearance , captain flint sat perched upon his shoulder and gabbling odds and ends of purposeless sea - talk
  • Human minds are not strange sports of a purposeless process of evolution - they are offshoots , or reflections , or " fulgurations " of the creative mind
    人类的心灵不是一个没有目标的只是进化所得出的怪物? ?他们是“创始心灵”的分枝、反照或“闪光” 。
  • Over and over again in an endless purposeless cycle men and things are born and die without improvement , without permanent achievement , day after day , year after year
  • When he awoke and was afoot again , he lingered there yet a little longer , watching an eddy that turned and turned purposeless , until the stream absorbed it , and carried it on to the sea . - like me
    他醒来站起身子,还在那儿逗留了一会儿,望着一个漩涡漫无目的地旋卷着,旋卷着,终于被流水吸去,奔向大海“跟我一样! ”
  • It's difficult to see purposeless in a sentence. 用purposeless造句挺难的
  • Its waters , in creeping down these miles of meadow - land , frequently divided , serpentining in purposeless curves , looping themselves around little islands that had no name , returning and re - embodying themselves as a broad main stream further on
  • This st . john opposed ; he said i did not want dissipation , i wanted employment ; my present life was too purposeless , i required an aim ; and , i suppose , by way of supplying deficiencies , he prolonged still further my lessons in hindostanee , and grew more urgent in requiring their accomplishment : and i , like a fool , never thought of resisting him - i could not resist him
  • The paper also refines several new wordings : transforming china , axle - centred public power , institutional justice ; traditional social capital ? modern social capital , social capital positiveness ? social capital negativeness , ethical contract ? legal contract , traditional trust ? modern trust , purposive reciprocity ? purposeless reciprocity , etc
如何用purposeless造句,用purposeless造句purposeless in a sentence, 用purposeless造句和purposeless的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。