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  • All through the land close search was made for rhea .
  • Fair rhea silvia had been shut up in the temple of vesta .
  • Hera, known to us chiefly as the wife of zeus, was a daughter of cronus and rhea .
  • They paid tribute to rhea , the mother of the gods
  • Fair rhea silvia had been shut up in the temple of vesta
  • Cronos married his sister rhea and became king of the titans
  • In those days , however , it was rhea , the mother of the gods that was given honor
  • A few bright wispy markings curl around the eastern limb of rhea ( 1 , 528 kilometers , 949 miles across )
    一些小而明亮的斑纹缠绕在土卫五的东部。 (直径1 , 528公里, 949英里)
  • Crater - scarred rhea floats in the distance , peeking out from behind saturn ' s partly shadowed rings
  • Long , long , ago , in ancient greece , the people paid tribute to rhea , the mother of the gods , each spring
  • It's difficult to see rheas in a sentence. 用rheas造句挺难的
  • In 1996 , she was cast as an ambitious college student on rhea perlman ' s ephemeral sitcom " pearl " ( 1996 )
    1996年,她被蒙上作为大学生对苎麻普尔曼雄心勃勃的短命短剧"明珠" ( 1996年)
  • Gaia : rhea commanded the eagle to secretice on her way . he was taken to an island far beyond the watchful eyes of cronos
  • The first mother day was held in spring in ancient greece , where people praised rhea , the great mother of the gods
  • Saturn ' s two largest moons meet in the sky in a rare embrace . smog - enshrouded titan glows to the left of airless rhea
  • The earliest mother ' s day celebrations are traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient greece in honor of rhea , the mother of the gods
  • Father rhea takes sole care of his young . from eggs to chicks , he feeds , defends , and protects them until they are old enough to survive on their own
  • The rings cannot hide the ragged , icy crescent of rhea , here imaged in color by the cassini spacecraft . the second - largest moon of saturn shines brightly through gaps in the rings
  • For example , saturn ' s e ring reaches across a broad region that encompasses the satellites mimas , tethys , dione and rhea , peaking in brightness at the orbit of the smooth , icy moon enceladus
  • The original one is in the collection of the museo nuovo in the palazzo dei conservator , rome . according to roman legend , in the fourth century rome was founded by romulus and remus , twin sons of mars and rhea silvia , the queen of alba longa . this sculpture is the story of how the were raised by a she - wolf
    传说罗马是战神迈斯mars与阿尔巴隆格alba longa国王之女莉亚西维亚rhea silvia所生之孪生子:罗慕斯romulus及雷摩斯remus于西元四世纪建立,此塑像为叙述两子由母狼哺乳长大之故事相传两人是建立罗马之人。
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