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  • Joseph e . stiglitz : an economist ' s dream and ideal
  • The nobel prize in economics : joseph e . stiglitz
  • 2001 joseph e . stiglitz 2002 daniel kahneman usa israel
  • J . stiglitz . " the inefficiency of stock market equilibrium .
    《股票市场的无效率均衡》 。
  • Stiglitz , joseph e . " information and the change in the paradigm in economics .
    约瑟夫史蒂格利兹, 《资讯与经济学的典范变迁》 。
  • Chapter 1 discusses stiglitz ’ s biographical notes 、 important works and his thoughts on transition economics
  • As a world renowned master in economics , professor stiglitz is especially famous for his analysis on global economic policies
  • There is not one form of the market economy but many . " and governments can play an important role together with adam smith ' s invisible hand , " stiglitz said
  • In opening , prof chen highlighted the significance of prof stiglitz s lecture , given his globally recognised views on wto and fair trade
  • A co - winner of nobel laureate in economic sciences in 2001 , prof . stiglitz has received numerous awards , among which the famous john bates clark medal
    除了2001年与其他两位学者同获的诺贝尔经济学奖外,他所获的奖项和嘉许不可胜数,其中包括著名的john bates clark medal 。
  • It's difficult to see stiglitz in a sentence. 用stiglitz造句挺难的
  • Stiglitz defined the government ' s role as providing public services such as education , health , pension and other social safety nets and enabling the market to function well
  • Hellmann , murdock , stiglitz ( 2000 ) . liberalization , moral hazard in banking , and prudential regulation : are capital requirements enough [ j ] . the american economic review , vol . 90
    张春.经济发展不同阶段对金融体系的信息要求和政府对银行的干预:来自韩国的经验教训.经济学(季刊) [ j ] .第1卷第1期
  • In 2000 , prof stiglitz founded the initiative for policy dialogue to help developing countries explore policy alternatives . in 2004 , he started to serve as editor for the economists voice
    他于2000年创立了the initiative for policy dialogue ,协助发展中国家探索政策方案,并于2004年出任经济学人之声编辑。
  • In 2001 , professor stiglitz shared the nobel prize in economic sciences with professor a . michael spence and professor george akerlof for their analyses of markets with asymmetric information
    Michaelspence )及阿克洛夫教授( professorgeorgeakerlof )一同获颁诺贝尔经济学奖,以表彰他们对资讯不对称的市场分析所作出的开创性贡献。
  • Professor stiglitz has made discriminating comments on numerous economic issues such as the financial crises in asia and latin america , economies of developing countries , monetary policies and globalization
  • Soon after he left the world bank , prof stiglitz founded the initiative for policy dialogue to help developing countries explore policy alternatives . in 2004 , he started to serve as editor for the economists voice
    离开世界银行后,斯蒂格利兹教授于2000年创立了the initiative for policy dialogue ,协助发展中国家探索政策方案,并于2004年出任经济学人之声编辑。
  • In his lecture , prof stiglitz elaborated ways of reform to promote trade development and advocated a number of solutions that would help make the global trading regime more equitable and more likely to promote growth
  • From j . m . keynes to j . e . stiglitz , many economists has pointed out that as a variable that bridges the financial market and the real economy , interest rate affects investment and savings thus the whole economy both domestically and internationally
  • Prof stiglitz has more than refereed 300 papers to his credit and numerous honours apart from the 2001 nobel prize in economic sciences , including the john bates clark medal . lingnan university confers a doctor of social sciences
    斯蒂格利兹教授发表了超过300篇学术论文除了2001年与其他两位学者同获的诺贝尔经济学奖外,他所获的奖项和嘉许不可胜数,其中包括著名的john bates clark medal 。
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