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  • The contrast of the funeral orations in the thucydides and plato works
  • The influence of narrative theory on the studies of history a case of thucydides ' s writing strategy
  • Thucydides ' approach to history differs from that of his great predecessor , herodotus
  • And finally , thucydides ' account of the war stops some seven years before the war ended
  • Thucydides ' use of history is closer to the modern understanding ? a narrative account of a great event with a clear temporal aspect
    修昔底德使用的“历史”接近于现代的意义? ?从显然是当时的角度来叙述伟大的事件。
  • For one thing , thucydides ' style of greek is very difficult ( a judgment to which i can personally attest ) , making any translation as much an interpretation as anything else
    首先,修昔底德的希腊文体是很难理解的(这个判断我可以私下里证明) ,任何一种翻译都只能算是诠释。
  • He concludes that it is hard to find any contemporary issue of statecraft and foreign relations that does not have an antecedent in thucydides ' magisterial account of the peloponnesian war
  • Thucydides , himself an athenian general who was sacked for his alleged failures at the battle of amphipolis , judged the athenians to be rash and mercurial after the death of pericles
  • Thucydides described the war between athens and sparta and between athens and syracuse , a greek state on the island of sicily . macaulay , himself an eminent historian , called thucydides “ the greatest historian that ever lived ”
    修息底德被著名的历史学家麦考利称为“最伟大的历史学家” ,他著有《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》 ,描写了雅典与斯巴达、雅典与锡拉库扎间的战争。
  • [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] thucydides [ / color ] [ / b ] described the war between [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] athens and sparta [ / color ] [ / b ] and between [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] athens and syracuse [ / color ] [ / b ] , a greek state on the island of sicily . macaulay , himself an eminent historian , called thucydides “ [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] the greatest historian that ever lived [ / color ] [ / b ] ”
    修息底德被著名的历史学家麦考利称为“最伟大的历史学家” ,他著有《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》 ,描写了雅典与斯巴达、雅典与锡拉库扎间的战争。
  • It's difficult to see thucydides in a sentence. 用thucydides造句挺难的
如何用thucydides造句,用thucydides造句thucydides in a sentence, 用thucydides造句和thucydides的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。