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with a sneer造句

"with a sneer"是什么意思  
  • Speakers pronounced his name with a sneer .
  • The old sorceress slunk in with a sneering smile .
  • Yes, it was a very good subject, said crass, with a sneer .
  • The ladies'servant stood apart, with a sneering expression on his face .
  • "is that a reminder, in case you should forget to call?" said trent with a sneer .
  • Mr. cuff paused, turned down his coat-sleeves again, put his hands into his pockets, and walked away with a sneer .
  • We can just dispose of such slander with a sneer
  • Yes , it was a very good subject , said crass , with a sneer
    “是啊,这是一个非常精彩的题目” ,克拉斯冷笑着说。
  • Said villefort , with a sneer
  • " is that a reminder , in case you should forget to call ? " said trent with a sneer
    “那是个提醒,害怕你会忘记打电话吗? ”特伦特鄙夷地说。
  • It's difficult to see with a sneer in a sentence. 用with a sneer造句挺难的
  • The cook noticed the two little boys and said with a sneer : " just see how the two beggars ' brats take to one another .
    厨师注意到了两个小孩子,便冷笑说: “瞧,这两个叫花崽子彼此多么亲热。 ”
  • " i beg your pardon , " replied miss bingley , turning away with a sneer . " excuse my interference . - - it was kindly meant .
    “对不起,请原谅我好管闲事;不过我是出于一片好意。 ”彬格莱小姐说完这话,冷笑了一下,便走开了。
  • I suppose you would hardly ask me to call you a humane man , returned the doctor , with a sneer , and so my feelings may surprise you , master silver
    “西尔弗先生,你大概别指望我把你当人看, ”医生冷笑着说, “所以我的想法也许会使你感到惊奇。
  • If one mentions the academic success of a classmate , boy or girl , one does so with a sneer , perhaps calling such a “ swot ” , insinuating that their success resulted only from effort , or worse , the sacrifice of social life
  • " his guilt and his descent appear by your account to be the same , " said elizabeth angrily ; " for i have heard you accuse him of nothing worse than of being the son of mr . darcy s steward , and of that , i can assure you , he informed me himself . " i beg your pardon , " replied miss bingley , turning away with a sneer
    伊丽莎白生气地说: “照你的说法,他的过错和他的出身好象是一回事啦,我倒没有听到你说他别的不是,只听到他骂他是达西先生的账房的儿子,老实告诉你,这一点他早已亲自跟我讲过了。 ”
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