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  • 锟斤拷    如果这个'\\xef\\xbf\\xbd',重复多次,例如'\\xef\\xbf\\xbd\\xef\\xbf\\xbd',然后放到GBK/CP936/GB2312/GB18030的环境中显示的话就是“锟斤拷??锟(0xEFBF),斤(0xBDEF),拷(0xBFBD)”。
  • bruce flatt    However exhausting and traumatic the days since Sept . 11 have been for Bruce Flatt, they could have been far worse. "We are really focused on six core commercial real estate markets : Bos...
  • crown flatt    Crown Flatt was burnt down in an act of arson on 13 September 1988. In the summer of 1936, Crown Flatt became the home of Dewsbury Royals Professional Baseball Club. The 0 5 loss to Otley...
  • flatt    But little in Flatt's career prepared him for this. Flatt, like Hamill, trained in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Excited delegates chanted " Dicky Flatt, Dicky Flatt ." Excited delegates cha...
  • flatt and scruggs    Not that Flatt and Scruggs played the only music McCoury cared about. Some of his songs were recorded by Flatt and Scruggs and Bobbie Gentry. Flatt and Scruggs were elected to the Country ...
  • hurley palmer flatt    In 2009 Hurley Palmer Flatt acquired ATCO Consulting, expanding their reach in Scotland. "' Hurley Palmer Flatt "'is a multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy based in London. Hurley Pa...
  • johann friedrich flatt    Two of Storr's better known followers were Friedrich Gottlieb S黶kind ( 1767 1829 ) and Johann Friedrich Flatt ( 1759 1821 ). With Johann Friedrich Flatt ( 1759-1821 ), he was editor of t...
  • lester flatt    Or Churchill or Tacitus or Soren Kierkegaard or Lester Flatt. Lester Flatt suggested the name Little Jody Rainwater and it really stuck. Lester Flatt and Mac Wiseman are two of the best co...
  • lester flatt and earl scruggs    Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs started their own band, The Foggy Mountain Boys, with Cedric Rainwater and Jim Eanes. His father, Cranford Nix Sr ., was a one-time professional banjo player ...
  • lester raymond flatt    "' Lester Raymond Flatt "'( June 19, 1914  May 11, 1979 ) was an American bluegrass guitarist and mandolinist, best known for his collaboration with banjo picker Earl Scruggs in The Foggy...
  • matthew flatt    The authors as well as Matthew Flatt have recently provided DrRacket plug-ins and language levels for teaching with EOPL.
  • rachael flatt    At 2011 World Championships but did not compete despite Rachael Flatt being injured. She placed second in the free skate behind Rachael Flatt and won the gold medal. In the free skate, Nag...
  • the flatt    According to Arnold, McKenes plays the Flatt & Scruggs-esque banjo piece at the end. At age 11, inspired by the Flatt & Scruggs soundtrack to Bonnie and Clyde, he acquired a banjo. The Fla...
  • 上手拷    李总管就命御前侍卫给宋锡朋戴上手拷脚镣押到殿前,请太后老佛爷一观。
  • 仿拷花大衣呢    她考虑要用不同含粗率的牦牛绒开发不同的产品,经反复试制研究,用含粗率为1.5%-2.5%的牦牛绒成功地做出了短顺大衣呢;用含粗率为2.5%的牦牛绒50%与70支澳毛50%搭配研制出高档的顺毛牦牛绒仿拷花大衣呢;含粗率为6%的牦牛绒用在拷花大衣呢的表纬中,经后整理反复起剪,整理成高档牦牛绒拷花大衣呢,该产品的手感弹性好,纹路含蓄,轻柔有羊绒感,实物质量达到国内先进水平和国际水...
  • 刑拷    面对敌人严刑拷打,坚贞不屈。 敌人把他吊在梁上,严刑拷打。 敌人严刑拷打,他们坚贞不屈。 其妻王氏被抓走,遭严刑拷打。 因弹劾严嵩专权,被严刑拷打。 华州官吏将薛逮捕,严刑拷打。 进行严刑拷打,最后惨遭杀害。 日军对其严刑拷打,逼供军情。 同年12月底被逮捕,遭严刑拷打。 曾焕东被捕后,受到严刑拷打。 遭严刑拷打和凌辱后,被处死。 受尽严刑拷打,...
  • 十拷九棒    出处:元?郑廷玉《包待制》第二折:“待要你十拷九棒,万死千生,打杀这个射粮军,哥也,你可甚么那得甚福。
  • 反转拷边法    反转拷边法
  • 反拷    有两个警察对我进行了3个小时的询问,在这期间,我的手被反拷着,保持跪姿。 她冲进家里,只见家中一片狼藉,自己心爱的小提琴也被乱抛在地上,而母亲被反拷着。 违者,笞五十”;还规定,在审讯中拷打被告人达到法定限数而不供认的,要“反拷告人”。 :GTBS V4.1为每个用户提供不同的反拷贝加密方案,便于用户在输入大量试题后把含有试题的试题库作为商品转让。 双手反拷着的张子文心中虽...
  • 吊拷    ,吊拷绷扒,便打死孩儿也不肯认。 》卷八:“有刑罚徒流绞斩,吊拷?把。 同“绷扒吊拷”。 示例他将你孩儿拖到官中,受尽~,吊拷绷扒。 》第二折:“你若经官发落,这绷扒吊拷要桩桩儿捱过。 》第三折:“并无聪明正直的心腹,尽都是那绷扒吊拷的招状。 ”明无名氏《精忠记?赴难》:“绷扒吊拷受禁持,怎当拶指与竹?。 ?金令史美婢酬秀童》:“我实不曾为盗,你们非刑吊拷,务...
  • 对拷型遥控器    对拷型遥控器也具有拷贝功能,可以拷贝任意一款固定码遥控器,学习型遥控器就相当于钥匙坯子,可以刻出任意形状的钥匙。 无线工控类产品对拷型遥控器、拷贝型遥控器,学习型遥控器具有学习功能,可以与学习型控制器自动对码,直接使用,不需要编码。
  • 岜拷村    岜拷村隶属于云南省文山州砚山县者腊乡布那村民委,属于山区。
  • 手拷    看清楚手拷的另一端是谁了吗 我交谈过的大部分女人都是被手拷拷着的。 因此,在魔术方面购物,你们将会帮助客户找兔子、顶端帽子、手拷、橡皮小鸡,一个魔杖,等等。
  • 披麻拷    披麻拷(pīmákǎo),中国古代的一种酷刑。 提到岳飞父子入狱,就令人想到那不寒而栗的酷刑“披麻拷”。 第五八回中记载:“(元吉)叫左右将牛皮胶化油,用麻皮和钩,搭在他的身上,名为‘披麻拷’。 鱼鳔之性最黏,粘住了就别想分开,待到凉干了之后,倒拽麻布条,一扯之下,就能连皮带肉撕下一块,所以也称“披麻拷、扒皮问”。
  •     特殊染色体存在着几个拷贝。 任何严刑拷打都不能使他开口。 在负片拷贝中,色调值是反转的。 映像成为人体形象的完美的拷贝。 他落入英国人之手,受到严刑拷打。 西班牙的宗教裁判正在恣意施行严刑拷打。 拷问他的人现在已不再是穿黑制服的粗汉。 他说他受过折磨拷打,从他身上的伤疤看来倒也可信。 所有证据都是在严刑拷打下获得的,因此它毫无价值。 戴维威尔士被捕之后,既遭到拷打,又被施以...

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