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  • upper crust
  • "美"英文翻译    beautiful; pretty
  • "俚"英文翻译    nautical mile; sea mile
  • "上层"英文翻译    upper strata; upper levels; ...
  • "阶级"英文翻译    class; step
  • "头"英文翻译    5点就得动身 have to start before ...
  • "脑袋"英文翻译    head
  • "上层阶级" 英文翻译 :    carriage trade; upper class
  • "新的上层阶级" 英文翻译 :    new upper class
  • "上层阶级的, 上流社会的" 英文翻译 :    upper-class
  • "〔美俚〕头。" 英文翻译 :    tea canister
  • "下层阶级" 英文翻译 :    inferior ranks; lowlife; sansculotte; underclass
  • "中层阶级" 英文翻译 :    sandwich class
  • "下层阶级的人" 英文翻译 :    lowlife
  • "夹心阶层;中层阶级" 英文翻译 :    sandwich class
  • "〔美俚〕戏院最上层座位。" 英文翻译 :    chicken roost
  • "脑袋" 英文翻译 :    [口语] head
  • "头" 英文翻译 :    头Ⅰ名词1.(人或动物的顶部) head 点头 nod one's head; 转过头去 turn one's head2.(指头发或所留的发式) hair or hair style 平头 crew cut; 分头 parted hair; 剪头 have one's hair cut; 梳头 comb the hair3.(物体的顶端或末梢) top; tip; end 笔头儿 the tip of a writing brush or pencil; the end of a pencil; 村东头 the east end of a village; 山头 the top of a hill; hilltop4.(事情的起点或终点) beginning or end 话头儿 thread of discourse; 从头至尾 from beginning to end; 从头讲起 tell the story from the very beginning; 提个头 give sb. a lead; 到头来 in the end; finally5.(物品的残余部分) remnant; end; remains 布头儿 leftover of a bolt of cloth; odd bits of cloth; 烟头 cigarette end [stub; stump]; 铅笔头 pencil stub [stump]6.(头目) head; chief 工头 foreman; boss; 土匪头 chieftain; 谁是你们组的头? who is the head of your group?7.(方面) aspect; side 分头进行 proceed each following one assignment; 只顾一头 pay attention to only one aspect; 两头落空 fall between two stools; 既然决定了, 就分头去办。 now that a decision has been taken, let each one do his job.8.(是非界限) bounds 做事(说话)过了头 go beyond the bounds of what is rightⅡ形容词(领头的; 次序居先的) lead; head 头马 lead horse; 先头舰 a headmost shipⅢ数词1.(第一) first 头等 first-grade; first-class; 头奖 first prize; 头胎 firstborn2.(用在数量词前面, 表示次序在前的) first 头一次 the first time; 头半本 the first half of a book; 头三天 the first three days3.[方言] (用在“年”或“天”前面, 表示时间在先的) last; previous 头几年 the past few years; 头天 the previous day; the day beforeⅣ介词(临; 接近) prior to; about; before 头吃饭要洗手 wash hands before eating; 头 5点就得动身 have to start before [by] fiveⅤ量词1.(用于牛、驴、骡、羊等家畜) 两头牛 two head of cattle; 一头驴 a donkey2.(用于蒜) 一头蒜 a bulb of garlic
  • "上层" 英文翻译 :    upper strata; upper levels; superstratum; hanging side; overstory; superjacent bed◇上层车厢 imperial; 上层结构 super-structure; 上层清液 supernatant liquor; 上层人士 upper circles; 上层社会 upper classes of society; upper-class of society; 上层水域 superjacent waters
  • "阶级" 英文翻译 :    (social) class; step 剥削阶级 exploiting class; 被剥削阶级 exploited class; 官僚资产阶级 bureaucrat bourgeoisie; 垄断资产阶级 monopoly bourgeoisie; 买办资产阶级 comprador(e) bourgeoisie; 民族资产阶级 national bourgeoisie; 无产阶级 proletariat; 小资产阶级 petty bourgeoisie; 有产阶级 propertied class; 资产阶级 bourgeoisie; 自为阶级 class in itself; 自在阶级 class for itself; 阶级报复 class-revenge; 阶级本能 class instinct; 阶级本性 class character; 阶级本质 class nature; 阶级差别 class difference; 阶级成分 class status; 阶级冲突 class conflict; 阶级出身 class origin; 阶级斗争 class struggle; 阶级斗争熄灭论 theory of dying out class struggle; 阶级对抗 class antagonism; 阶级队伍 class ranks; 阶级分化 class polarization; 阶级分析 class analysis; 阶级感情 class feeling; 阶级根源 class origin; 阶级基础 class basis; 阶级较量 trials of class strength; 阶级觉悟 class consciousness; 阶级烙印 brand of a class; 阶级立场 class attitude; class stand [standpoint; position]; 阶级力量的对比 balance of class forces; 阶级利益 class interests; 阶级路线 class line; 阶级矛盾 class contradictions; 阶级性 class character; class nature; 阶级友爱 class love; class solidarity; 阶级阵线 class alignment
  • "美俚" 英文翻译 :    spick; yo yo
  • "大脑袋" 英文翻译 :    big headed; jolterhead
  • "掉脑袋" 英文翻译 :    get beheaded
  • "砍脑袋" 英文翻译 :    cut the head off
  • "头 发" 英文翻译 :    rudy a
  • "头,头颅" 英文翻译 :    cephal,capit,cran
〔美俚〕上层阶级;头,脑袋。的英文翻译,〔美俚〕上层阶级;头,脑袋。英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译〔美俚〕上层阶级;头,脑袋。,〔美俚〕上层阶级;头,脑袋。的英文意思,〔美俚〕上層階級;頭,腦袋。的英文〔美俚〕上层阶级;头,脑袋。 meaning in English〔美俚〕上層階級;頭,腦袋。的英文〔美俚〕上层阶级;头,脑袋。怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。