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音标:[ bùguāntòngyǎng ]  发音:  


  • have no compassion for others; a matter of no consequence; be perfunctory; do not care a bit; irrelevant; immaterial; insignificant; pointless; show no concern; without any bite


  • One by one the other elders now timidly rise with innocuous requests, which rahm receives warmly .
  • Compared to what he saw in the picture of censure or rebuke, how shallow basil's reproaches about sibyl vane had been !
  • The man thought it might be bill , but he thought in a dull , uninterested way
  • Some were benign , while others contained confidential information about company strategy and expansion plans
  • Compared to what he saw in the picture of censure or rebuke , how shallow basil ' s reproaches about sibyl vane had been
  • It seemed so tawdry what he had offered her - mere money - compared with what she offered him . he offered her an extraneous thing with which he could part without a pang , while she offered him herself , along with disgrace and shame , and sin , and all her hopes of heaven


  • 不关痛痒的日语:〈成〉痛痒[つうよう]を感じない.痛くもかゆくもない. 不能把群众的生活当做不关痛痒的事/大衆の生活をどうでもいいことだと思ってはならない.
  • 不关痛痒的韩语:【성어】 아프지도 가렵지도 않다. 자신의 이해(利害)와 아무런 관계가 없다. 不能把人民大众的利益看作不关痛痒的事情; 대중의 이익을 자기와는 상관없는 일로 여길 수는 없다
  • 不关痛痒的俄语:pinyin:bùguāntòngyǎng не интересоваться, болит или чешется (обр. в знач.: не касаться, не иметь никакого касательства, отношения, быть равнодушным, безразличным, индифферентн...
  • 不关痛痒什么意思:bù guān tòng yǎng 【解释】比喻切身相关的事。指与自身利害没有关系。 【出处】《朱子语类》卷一0一:“那不关痛痒底是不仁。 【示例】这里虽还有两三个老婆子,都是~的,见李妈走了,也都悄悄的自寻方便去了。(《红楼梦》第八回) 【拼音码】bgty 【用法】动宾式;作谓语、定语;比喻不关心与己无关的事 【英文】unmoved
不关痛痒的英文翻译,不关痛痒英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译不关痛痒,不关痛痒的英文意思,不關痛癢的英文不关痛痒 meaning in English不關痛癢的英文不关痛痒怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。