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音标:[ bùzhīsuǒyún ]  发音:  


  • do not know what oneself (self deprecatory) or others are talking about; incomprehensible; be unintelligible; between the devil and the deep sea; be unable to make out what sb. is driving at [talking about]; embarrass with [by]; fail to catch what one means; feel oneself in an awkward position; feel oneself in a false position; lose one's head; make neither head nor tail of what's been said [written]; not to have the slightest idea about the meaning of some remarks; : 这篇文章条理不清, 使人看了不知所云。 the article is so poorly-organized that i don't know what to say after reading it


  • The first definition, however, is a puzzle .
  • My letters sometimes convey no ideas at all to my correspondents .
  • She tried to understand the instructions , but she was completely at sea .
  • The article is so poorly-organized that i do n't know what to say after reading it .
  • Yet it was not only these odd sights that astounded her, for she was even more puzzled by what she heard .
  • Love is a fool who knows not what he is saying
  • That ' s the big white elephant in our house
    这就是我们家的“大白象” ! (不知所云
  • That ' s the big white elephant in our house
    这就是我们家的“大白象” ! (不知所云
  • I ' m all at sea when they talk about the greenhouse effect
  • - oh , my god , brad . you ' re killing me . - what are you talking about
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4


  • 不知所云的泰文
  • 不知所云的法语:il ne sait pas ce qu'il dit./c'est à y perdre son latin./on ne sait ce qu'il veut dire./je ne sais pas m'exprimer.
  • 不知所云的日语:〈成〉何を言っているのか分からない.話の筋が通らない,または中身のないこと. 这篇文章写得太乱,使人看了不知所云/この文章はめちゃくちゃで,何を言っているのか分からない.
  • 不知所云的韩语:【성어】 무슨 말인지 모르다. 무엇이라고 말하는지 모르다. 尽管他口讲指划, 说了半天, 听的人还是不知所云; 비록 그가 손시늉을 해 가면서 한참 동안 말했어도 듣는 사람은 여전히 무슨 말인지 알아듣지 못했다
  • 不知所云的俄语:pinyin:bùzhīsuǒyún 1) говорить бестолково; унич. о себе не знаю, с чего начать, о чём говорить 2) труднообъяснимый; затрудняться в объяснении
  • 不知所云什么意思:bù zhī suǒ yún 【解释】不知道说得是些么。形容说话内容混乱,无法理解。 【出处】三国·蜀·诸葛亮《出师表》:“临表涕泣,不知所云。” 【示例】这篇文章逻辑性太差,使人看了~。 【拼音码】bzsy 【灯谜面】鸭子听雷君家住何处 【用法】动宾式;作谓语、定语、补语;含贬义,表示不知道说什么为好 【英文】do not know what somebody is talking a...
不知所云的英文翻译,不知所云英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译不知所云,不知所云的英文意思,不知所云的英文不知所云 meaning in English不知所云的英文不知所云怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。