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  • central exchange jump
  • "中央"英文翻译    centre; middle
  • "更换"英文翻译    renewal; change; replace; tr ...
  • "转移"英文翻译    shift; transfer; divert
  • "更换转炉炉衬" 英文翻译 :    vessel reline
  • "变换转移点" 英文翻译 :    alteration switch
  • "交换转移" 英文翻译 :    exchange jump
  • "中心交换转移" 英文翻译 :    central exchange jump
  • "更换转盘变速箱机油" 英文翻译 :    change the oil in the rotary gear box
  • "中央转移点" 英文翻译 :    ct central transfer point
  • "更换" 英文翻译 :    renewal; change; replace; transposing; exchange; replacement; alter 更换磨损零件 replace worn part; 更换位置 change the position; 更换设备 replace equipment; 更换仲裁员 removal of arbitrators; remove an arbitrator
  • "中央财政转移支付制度" 英文翻译 :    the system of transfer payments from the central government
  • "变换转换器" 英文翻译 :    conversion transducer
  • "可换转炉" 英文翻译 :    interchangeable converter; interchangeable vessel
  • "弦-弧换转法" 英文翻译 :    arc-sin transformation
  • "转换转变。" 英文翻译 :    switch over
  • "比例换转开关" 英文翻译 :    ratio switch
  • "可交换转频器" 英文翻译 :    switchable transponder
  • "中央" 英文翻译 :    1.(中心) centre; middle 花园中央 at the centre of the garden2.(最高领导机构) central authorities 党中央 the central committee of the party; the party central committee; 中央各部门 departments under the party's central committee and the state council; 中央领导同志 leading comrades of the central authorities; 中央书记处 the secretariat of the central committee; 中央党校 the central party school; the party school of the central committee of the cpc; 中央工作会议 the central working conference; 中央机构 central organs; 中央全会 plenary session of the central committee; 中央直属机关 departments under the party central committee; 中央和地方企业并举 simultaneous development of national and local enterprises; 中央机关 central organizations; 发挥中央和地方两个积极性。 both central and local initiative should be brought into play.3.(姓氏) a surname 中央英洁 zhongyang yingjie; 中央财政收入比重 centrally controlled proportion of state revenue; 中央处理机 [自动化] central processing unit; cpu; frame; main frame; central processor; 中央大厅 megaron (古希腊建筑的); concourse; 中央广播电台 central broadcasting station; 中央轨 centre rail; 中央航道 central track; central course; mid-channel; 中央集中控制 centralized control; 中央计划经济 centrally planned economy; 中央计算机 central computer; 中央控制室 central control room; 中央控制台 central control board; central control desk; 中央控制站 [航空] central control station; 中央情报局 cia (the central intelligence agency); 中央水仓 central water sump; 中央税收 central tax; 中央台 central station; 中央系统 center system; 中央细胞 [植物学] central cell; 中央现货市场 central spot market; 中央银行 central bank; 中央预算 budget of the central government; 中央政府 central government; 中央政治局 the political bureau of the central committee
  • "中央 ()" 英文翻译 :    jungang line
  • "转移" 英文翻译 :    1.(改换位置) shift; transfer; divert 转移视线 divert sb.'s attention; divert the attention of ...; 转移战场 move to another battlefield; 战略转移 a strategic shift; 那狗已把它的感情转移到新主人身上。 the dog has transferred its affection to its new master.2.(改变) change; transform 转移社会风气 change prevalent social customs; 转移管辖 change of venue; change the venue; 不依人的意志为转移 independant of man's will3.[医学] (扩散) metastasis; metaptosis; metastasy 癌转移 the metastasis of carcinoma4.transition; transference; shifting; removal; displacement;dislocation;delivery course;[计算机] jump; abevacuation; aversion; metabasis; branch
  • "代替,更换" 英文翻译 :    i tead; instead
  • "更换0" 英文翻译 :    exch exchange
  • "更换班" 英文翻译 :    dog watch; dogwatch
  • "更换包" 英文翻译 :    exchange package
  • "更换带" 英文翻译 :    change tape
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