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  • population growth
  • "人口"英文翻译    population
  • "成长"英文翻译    grow up; grow to maturity; a ...
  • "人口成倍时间" 英文翻译 :    population doubling time
  • "成长" 英文翻译 :    grow up; grow to maturity; adolesce 关心年轻一代的健康成长 take an active interest in the healthy growth of the younger generation; 他已成长为22岁的青年了。 he has grown into a young man of twenty-two. 新栽的果树正在茁壮成长。 the young fruit trees are growing well. 这是一个仍在成长中的年轻国家。 it is a young nation, still adolescing.; 成长机理 growth mechanism; 成长经济学 growth economics; 成长事例 efflorescence
  • "人口" 英文翻译 :    1.(居住某地人的总数) population 人口稀少 have a sparse population; 标准人口 standard population; 常住人口 resident population; 城市人口 urban population; 待业人口 population waiting for employment; 非农业人口 non-agricultural population; 流动人口 transient population; 流动过剩人口 floating overpopulation; 盲流人口 aimlessly drifting population; 农业人口 agricultural population; 适度人口 optimum population; 现住人口 de facto population; 乡村人口 rural population; 在业人口 working population; 中国是世界人口最多的国家, 有11亿, 约占世界总人口的四分之一。 china is the world's most populous country with a population of 1.1 billion, which makes up approximately a quarter of the world population.2.(一户人家的人数) number of people in a family 他家人口不多。 there aren't many people in his family.; 人口爆炸 population explosion; 人口变动 change of population; 人口不足 underpopulation; 人口出生率 human fertility; 人口登记 registration of population; 人口地理 population geography; 人口地区构成 region structure of population; 人口地图 population map; 人口调查 census; 人口调查资料 census data; 人口动力学 dynamics; 人口发展速度 rate of population growth; 人口分布 population distribution; 人口分析 population analysis; (城乡广播电视) 人口覆盖率 bring (the radio and tv programs) to a wider audience; 人口负增长 npg; negative population growth; 人口更替 population replacement; 人口更新 regeneration of population; 人口构成 population composition; 人口估算 population [demographic] estimation; 人口规划 program for planning population growth; 人口规律 law of population; 人口过密 overpopulation; 人口过剩 surplus population; overpopulation; 人口科学 population science; 人口基数 population base; 人口计划 population plan; 人口计量学 demometrics; 人口减少 population decline; population decrease; 人口阶级构成 class structure of population; 人口结构 population structure; 人口控制 population control; 人口老化 ageing of the population; 人口理论 demographic theory; 人口零点增长 zpg; zero population growth; 人口论 reactionary essay on population; 人口密度 population density; 人口民族构成 nationality structure of population; 人口年龄构成 age structure of population; 人口年轻化 rejuvenation of population; 人口普查 population census; census; 人口迁出 emigrations; 人口迁入 immigration; 人口迁移 population migration; 人口清查 head count; 人口群 population group; 人口生育力 human fecundity; 人口死亡率 human mortality; 人口属性 ascribed characteristics of population; 人口素质 population quality; 人口特性 characteristics of the population; 人口统计 vital statistics; population statistics; 人口统计图 demogram; census map; 人口统计学 demography; 人口图 population map; 人口文化构成 culturel structure of population; 人口性别构成 sex structure of population; 人口研究 demographic research; 人口预测 population forecast; 人口移动 population moving; 人口移动图 migration map; 人口再生产 reproduce the population; 人口增加率 rate of population increased; 人口增长 population growth; 人口增长速度 rate of population increase; 人口增殖 propagation of population; 人口政策 population policy; 人口职业构成 occupation structure of population; 人口质量 population quality; 人口自然变动 natural variaiton of population; 人口自然增长率 natural population growth rate; 人口总数 population size
  • "插口成型" 英文翻译 :    belling
  • "插口成型器" 英文翻译 :    beller
  • "出口成型砖" 英文翻译 :    tap hole block
  • "出口成章" 英文翻译 :    (形容文思敏捷) words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master; have chapter and verse at one's tongue's tip; make a polished impromptu speech; say [speak; use] book language in ordinary talk; say easily without thinking hard; talk beautifully; talk with adroit phrases; toss off smart remarks
  • "唇口成形术" 英文翻译 :    cheilostomatoplasty; cheilostpatoplasty; chilostomatoplasty
  • "焊口成分" 英文翻译 :    crater compound
  • "接口成本" 英文翻译 :    interface cost
  • "接口成员" 英文翻译 :    interface members
  • "进口成分" 英文翻译 :    imported contents
  • "进口成份" 英文翻译 :    imported content
  • "口成形术" 英文翻译 :    stomatoplasty
  • "模口成型面" 英文翻译 :    die land
  • "瓶口成形机" 英文翻译 :    liforming machine
  • "脱口成章" 英文翻译 :    slip out of the mouth and become an essay -- said of a literary talent; speak beautifully (worthy to be written down); words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master
  • "子口成型机" 英文翻译 :    creel bead machine
  • "出铁口成型砖" 英文翻译 :    tap-hole block; tap-out block
  • "接口成员访问" 英文翻译 :    interface member access
  • "进口成套设备" 英文翻译 :    complete set of equipment imported
  • "口成形修复术" 英文翻译 :    plastic repair of mouth
  • "尿道口成形术" 英文翻译 :    meatoplasty of urethra; ureth ralmeatolasty; urethral meatoplasty


  • Hispanics account for half of u . s . population growth
  • Such robust growth is unique among rich countries
  • Asians are the fastest growing ethnic group in the united states
  • Sixty percent of the growth is natural . forty percent comes from immigration
    美国人口成长的60 %属于自然生育,其余的40 %则来自移民。
  • Global human population growth rates have probably risen and fallen numerous times in the past
  • Urban development therefore serves as an important linkage between population growth and economic growth
  • We have enough data to show that there is a correlation between population growth and economic progress
  • The peak population growth rate ever reached , about 2 . 1 percent a year , occurred between 1965 and 1970
    人类的人口成长率在1965 ~ 1970年之间攀上空前的尖峰,大约一年2 . 1 % 。
  • Experts say about 55 percent of new population growth { as } resulted from immigration including the children of immigrants
    专家说55 %新生人口成长是从外来人的移民而来的包括孩子移民。
  • By 2010 , deaths there are expected to start outnumbering births , so from that point immigration will account for more than all its growth
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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