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  • igna


  • But wheres a fur cloak ? said dolohov . hey , ignatka
    多洛霍夫说, “哎,伊格纳特卡!
  • The nobel prize in physiology or medicine 1998 : louis j . ignarro
  • The little princess weighed 7 3 / 4 pounds , dr . luis ignacio recasens said
    小公主重7 . 75磅,路易斯?伊格纳萧?雷卡森斯说。
  • Ay , ay ! answered ignat , admiring the broadening grin on his visage in the glass
  • Thats fine , eh , uncle ignat ? said the boy , beginning to bang with both hands at once on the keys
    啊?伊格纳特叔叔! ”小孩说,突然两只手都在键盘上拍打起来。
  • Deputies say vicente ignacio beltran moreno abducted the teen at gunpoint and tied him to a tree
  • Ignat , setting his belt straight , left off smiling , and with eyes submissively downcast , walked out of the room
  • These were the porter , ignat , and the little page , mishka , the grandson of vassilitch , who had remained in moscow with his grandfather
  • The coastal lagoons of ojo de liebre and san ignacio are important reproduction and wintering sites for the grey whale , harbour seal , california sea lion , northern elephant - seal and blue whale
  • The good - natured governors wife came up to them with a disapproving air . anna ignatyevna wants to see you , nikolay , she said , pronouncing the name in such a way that rostov was at once aware that anna ignatyevna was a very great lady
    “安娜伊格纳季耶夫娜想见你, nicolas , ”她说,那说出这个名字的声调,使罗斯托夫顿时明白,安娜伊格纳季耶夫娜是一位重要的贵妇。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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