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  • pressing task


  • So it is an urgent mission to protect these murals
  • It is an urgent mission to accurate educating and training the minority nationality talented person
  • It admits of no delay to develop high stability crystal oscillator and enhance its phase noise index to reduce the effect of jitter to the performance of the whole system
  • Thus , amending the existing constitution and establishing a constitutional guarantee system that can apply to the globalization economic system have become an imperative task
  • If not be paid so much importance , it will do harm to the financial and economic stabilization . so it is an urgent task for the supervision department to supervise the life insurance company ’ s liquidation ability
  • Against this situation , it is an urgent task to form a sound credit risk management mechanism . credit assessment is the primary link should be properly solved . at present china lacks a relatively matured credit system
  • In this big background , in order to catch the opportunity and meet the future challenge and promote the development of chongqing , chongqing must have the rational and advance structure of industry . it is the most important for this course to have the excellent talent and high - tech production besides the capital . but the high education in chongqing has a low level and can not carry out the " double high " advantage to support the adjustment of industrial structure in chongqing and development of economy sufficiently
    重庆作为中国最年轻的直辖市,正面临着西部大开发带来的历史性机遇,随着中国加入wto ,这一重大事件对地处西部的重庆也有着重大而深远的影响,在这个大背景下,要抓住机遇,迎接未来的挑战,促进重庆经济的振兴,就必须实现产业结构的合理化和高度化,而这一过程除了需要资金的推动,更重要的是需要高素质的专门人才和高技术产品作为支撑,而重庆市的高等院校没能充分的发挥"双高"优势来支持重庆市产业结构调整和经济的发展,因此,大力发展重庆的高等教育产业,在当前是一项刻不容缓的任务
刻不容缓的任务的英文翻译,刻不容缓的任务英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译刻不容缓的任务,刻不容缓的任务的英文意思,刻不容緩的任務的英文刻不容缓的任务 meaning in English刻不容緩的任務的英文刻不容缓的任务怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。