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  • wharf
  • "卸货"英文翻译    discharge cargo; disburden; ...
  • "上"英文翻译    upper; up; upward
  • "码头"英文翻译    wharf; dock; hoverport; pier ...
  • "海上码头" 英文翻译 :    tidal quay
  • "卸上码头" 英文翻译 :    wharf
  • "由驳船卸上码头" 英文翻译 :    discharging from floating equipment to wharf
  • "靠码头卸货" 英文翻译 :    discharging at wharf
  • "卸货码头" 英文翻译 :    discharge jetties; discharge jetty; discharge wharf; discharging quay; discharging wharf; landing pier; offload jetty; reception terminal; unloading terminal; unloading wharf
  • "码头卸货程序" 英文翻译 :    terminal unloading procedure
  • "码头卸货帐单" 英文翻译 :    dock landing account; wharf landing account
  • "砂石卸货码头" 英文翻译 :    aggregate unloading dock
  • "石油卸货码头" 英文翻译 :    crude receiving terminal
  • "卸货于码头上" 英文翻译 :    wharf
  • "码头搬运卸货费" 英文翻译 :    shifting charge
  • "码头卸货延滞费" 英文翻译 :    wharf demurrage; wharfdemurrage
  • "卸货码头;卸油桥台" 英文翻译 :    discharge jetty
  • "海关指定的卸货码头" 英文翻译 :    legal quay
  • "卸货" 英文翻译 :    discharge cargo; disburden; breaking bulk; unloading; unload cargo; unload 开始卸货 break bulk; (从火车上)下客卸货 detrain passengers and supplies; 从船上卸货 unload [unlade] a ship; land goods from a ship; 该船正在卸货。 the ship is unloading. 正在往驳船里卸货。 the cargo is being discharged into lighters.; 卸货承揽人 landing agent; 卸货地点 landing place; 卸货费 landing charges; 卸货费用 discharging expenses; 卸货港(口) port of unloading; port of delivery; discharging port; port of discharge; port of debarkation; 卸货工 off-bearer; 卸货记录 cargo boat note; 卸货量 outturn; 卸货码头 discharging quay; 卸货日期 date of landing; date of discharge; 卸货收据 discharge receipt; 卸货站台 discharging platform; 卸货证书 landing certificate
  • "铁路员工,(装卸货时打信号的)码头工人。" 英文翻译 :    rail man
  • "码头" 英文翻译 :    1.(停船的地方) wharf; dock; hoverport; pier; shipside; jetty; quay 储油码头 oil wharf; petrol wharf; 浮码头 pierhead pontoon; 那艘船停靠在码头边。 the ship lies alongside the wharf.; the steamer lies at the pier.2.[方言] (商业城市) port city; commercial and transportation centre 跑码头 travel from port to port as a trader; be a travelling merchant; 码头搬运工 dockwalloper; 码头泊位 quay berth; 码头到户 [门] pier-to-door; 码头调车机车 dockside switcher; 码头费 wharfage; dock charge; dockdues and charges (包括税捐及停泊费等); jettage dockage; 码头工人 dockman; dock hand; stevedore; longshoreman; 码头管理站 administration office; 码头集装箱起重机 portainer; 码头交货 ex dock;ex pier; ex quay; ex wharf; at the dock; at wharf; 码头交货价 ex pier; ex quay; ex dock; free on quay; 码头交货条件 ex quay terms; 码头捐[税] dock dues; wharfage; pierage; pier dues; quayage; 码头雷达 jetty mounted radar; 码头起重机 quay crane; 码头区[沿岸] quayside; 码头设备 pier facilities; terminal facilities; 码头收据 dock receipt; 码头司号工 railman; 码头外端 pierhead; 码头栈单 dock warrant; 码头重量记录单 dock weight note; 码头主任[人] wharfinger; 码头装卸工 longshoreman; 码头装载 block stowage
  • "送货上门" 英文翻译 :    provide home delivery service (for large and bulky products); deliver goods to the customer's door; deliver goods to the doorstep of the customer; home delivery service; sell goods at the customer's doors; a door-step delivery service
  • "新货上市" 英文翻译 :    fresh su lies come; fresh supplies come; new arrival
  • "载货上船" 英文翻译 :    load a ship with cargo
  • "装货上船" 英文翻译 :    stevedore
  • "免费送货上门" 英文翻译 :    free delivery to your door; free home; furniture sale now on
卸货上码头的英文翻译,卸货上码头英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译卸货上码头,卸货上码头的英文意思,卸貨上碼頭的英文卸货上码头 meaning in English卸貨上碼頭的英文卸货上码头怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。