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  • chana
  • hania
  • ismail haniyeh


  • Mahmoud zahar , more of a hardliner within hamas , has called for conciliation too
  • Mr haniyeh has called for talks with fatah and would reportedly be willing to let an independent figure lead a new hamas - fatah coalition
  • Palestinian prime minister ismail haniya accused rice of trying to re - arrange the middle east to better suit the needs of israel and washington
  • His remarks came not long after 5 members of hamas executive force were killed in a series of air strikes on their bases in the gaza strip on saturday
  • They demanded that president mahmoud abbas act against hamas in gaza and called for the death of prime minster ismail haniyeh , a member of hamas
  • " if we receive an official invitation to visit russia we will visit russia " said a senior hamas leader ismail haniya according to a reuters report from gaza city
    “如果我们收到访俄的正式邀请,我们将访问俄罗斯, ”哈马斯高级领导人哈尼亚说。
  • His remarks came not long after 5 members of hamas executive force were killed in a series of air strikes on their bases in the gaza strip on saturday
  • Putin ' s offer today . " if we receive an official invitation to visit russia , we will visit russia , " said , a senior hamas leader , ismail haniya , according to a reuters report from gaza city
    “如果我们收到访俄的正式邀请,我们将访问俄罗斯, ”哈马斯高级领导人哈尼亚说。
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