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音标:[ yīnyēfèishī ]  发音:  


  • give up eating for fear of choking; be put off easily by a slight risk; give up an undertaking on account of a small obstacle; refrain from doing sth. for fear of a possible risk; refrain from doing sth. necessary for fear of a slight risk; stop eating altogether just because of hiccup; the scalded dog fears cold water.; throw away the apple because of its [the] core


  • But shall we stop eating for fear of choking
  • Burn not your house to frighten the mouse away
    不要为了赶走老鼠而烧掉房子. [不可因噎废食
  • However , the author doesn ’ t think that it ’ s a good choice to just give up halfway
  • In addition , aiming at the establishment of chinese second board , i believe , it is not wise to stop the process and observe the situation , even deny the strengths of second board , just because we are afraid of risks
  • Then want to set definitely to the business behavior that have to take charge of effectively but equal law responsibility , perfect pursue system , try hard for to take charge of real results
  • Some statistics by basle committee shows that the average level of capital demand with operation risk in developed countries is only about 10 % of the total capital demand , which mean the operation risk does not sit at a important position
  • < wp = 7 > to provide private funds with a more favorable environment , the regulatory department concerned should adapt the successful experiences in other countries to the real situation in our stock market flexibly so as to establish and perfect the relevant laws and regulations
  • Although the " treating method " offers the basis for treating those accidents , the identification degree with " treating method " from all hierarchies is not high ; the accident responsibility is difficult to be asserted , compensation is difficult to be implemented , funds and introduce insurance shifts to be beset with difficulties even to compensate risk by mechanism . those parents , teachers and pupils are frail with strike precaution consciousness to the accident ; there are many potential safely hazards . in order to avoid activity from danger , some schools ban all activities that may engage danger in
  • Director should discharge this duty unless the corporation permitted the competing , even in a certain time after his demission . the corporation can regain the opportunities or the interest ; ( 4 ) the basic test established by modern cases as to when an opportunity is a corporate opportunity combine a " line of business " test , and if an opportunity is < wp = 7 > within a corporation ' s " line of business " , it may be regained by the corporation . but the directors may also take advantage of a corporate opportunity if the corporation is incapable of taking advantage of the opportunity ; of course , the utilizing of corporate opportunity must be discovered and permitted by the corporation
    董事忠实义务的内容包括: ( 1 )诚实行为; ( 2 )禁止冲突交易,但完全禁止董事或其利害关系人与公司的交易是因噎废食的,部分冲突交易可能对公司并没有坏处甚至反而有好处,但这样的交易应当履行法定的披露义务,并得到有权机关的批准; ( 3 )竞业回避,董事违反这一义务的,公司享有归入权,但经公司有权机关批准同意的,董事可以同业兼职,在离职后的一定时间和范围内董事还负有本义务; ( 4 )禁止篡夺公司机会,对公司机会可以采取“经营范围检验法”等方式进行认定,董事篡夺公司机会的,公司享有归入权,但董事在完成披露并得到公司批准的条件下可以利用公司不能利用的商业机会。


  • 因噎废食的泰文
  • 因噎废食的法语:s'abstenir de manger de peur d'être étouff
  • 因噎废食的日语:〈成〉食べ物がのどにつかえたために食事までやめてしまう.まちがいを犯すのを恐れて,やるべき仕事まで放棄してしまうたとえ.
  • 因噎废食的韩语:【성어】 목이 멘다고 먹기를 그만두다; 작은 장애 때문에 긴요한 일을 그만두다. 사소한 실패[방해]로 해야 할 일을 그만두다. 구더기 무서워 장 못 담그다.
  • 因噎废食的俄语:[yīnyē fèishí] обр. бездействовать из страха совершить ошибку
  • 因噎废食什么意思:yīn yē fèi shí 【解释】原意是说,因为有人吃饭噎死了,就想让天下人都不吃饭,这太荒谬了。比喻要做的事情由于出了点小毛病或怕出问题就索性不去干。 【出处】《吕氏春秋·荡兵》:“有以噎死者,欲禁天下之食,悖。” 【拼音码】yyfs 【灯谜面】长虫钻地缝 【用法】偏正式;作定语、谓语、宾语;含贬义 【英文】throw away the apple because of the c...


因噎废食的英文翻译,因噎废食英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译因噎废食,因噎废食的英文意思,因噎廢食的英文因噎废食 meaning in English因噎廢食的英文因噎废食怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。