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  • solar deity
  • sun worship
  • sun-worship
  • "太阳"英文翻译    the sun
  • "崇拜"英文翻译    worship; adore; idolize
  • "崇拜太阳" 英文翻译 :    heliolatry
  • "太阳神崇拜" 英文翻译 :    baalism
  • "崇拜" 英文翻译 :    worship; adore; idolize 盲目崇拜 worship blindly; 个人崇拜 personality cult; 对自然的崇拜 nature worship; 他高度赞扬这部小说, 并对作者简直崇拜得五体投地。 he spoke highly of the novel and he almost worshipped the ground the author trod on. 他把她当作女神崇拜。 he adored her as a goddess.; 崇拜偶像 worship of idols; idolatry
  • "崇拜,崇敬" 英文翻译 :    worship
  • "崇拜,看重" 英文翻译 :    lionize
  • "崇拜;爱慕" 英文翻译 :    adore
  • "崇拜;敬奉" 英文翻译 :    worship
  • "崇拜的" 英文翻译 :    adoring; worshipful
  • "崇拜地" 英文翻译 :    adoringly; religilso; religioso
  • "崇拜美" 英文翻译 :    worship of beauty
  • "崇拜信" 英文翻译 :    fan letter
  • "崇拜者" 英文翻译 :    adorer; cesarian; child; cultus; idolater; idolatress; venerator; votarist; worshiper; worshipper
  • "崇拜着" 英文翻译 :    adoringly
  • "蛇崇拜" 英文翻译 :    ophiolatry
  • "性崇拜" 英文翻译 :    sex worship
  • "太阳" 英文翻译 :    1.(银河系的恒星之一) the sun 青年人朝气蓬勃, 好像早晨八九点钟的太阳。 young people, full of vigour and vitality, are like the sun at eight or nine in the morning.2.(太阳光) sunshine; sunlight 晒太阳 bask in the sun; 太阳地儿 a place where there is sunshine; sunny spot; 今天太阳很好。 it's a lovely sunny day.3.(姓氏) a surname 太阳子 taiyang zi; 太阳暴风 solar gale; 太阳爆发 solar burst; 太阳大爆发 solar outburst; 太阳大气 solar atmosphere; 太阳灯 [医学] sunlamp; sunlight lamp; solar lamp; 太阳电池 solar cell; 太阳电池板 solar panel; 太阳定向器 sun seeker; 太阳帆 [航空] photon sail; solar sail; 太阳风 solar wind; 太阳辐射 solar radiation; 太阳辐射计 actinometer; 太阳服 suntans; 太阳观测 [地测] sun observation; 太阳观测站 solar station; 太阳观察镜 [光学] helioscope; 太阳光斑 solar facula; 太阳光谱 solar spectrum; 太阳光线 sunray; 太阳黑点[子] [天文学] spot; sun spot; macula; 太阳镜 sunglasses; helioscope eyepiece; 太阳历 [天文学] solar calendar; 太阳粒子 solar particle; 太阳炉 solar furnace; 太阳罗盘 sun compass; 太阳帽 sun helmet; topee; 太阳目镜 solar eyepiece; 太阳目视(观测)镜 helioscope; 太阳年 (solar) year; 太阳鸟 sunbird; 太阳摄影仪 solar camera; 太阳射电暴 solar radio burst; 太阳射电爆发 solar radio burst; 太阳探测器 sunblazer; solar probe; 太阳望远镜 solar telescope; 太阳星云 solar nebula; 太阳耀斑 solar flare; 太阳灶 solar energy stove; solar cooker; 太阳质量 solar mass; 太阳质子 solar proton; 太阳质子流 solar proton flux; 太阳中心说 heliocentricism; heliocentric theory; 太阳周 solar cycle
  • "太阳,太阳" 英文翻译 :    sun,sun
  • "巴尔神崇拜" 英文翻译 :    baalism
  • "长靴崇拜" 英文翻译 :    boot worship
  • "崇拜比尔" 英文翻译 :    bill gates
  • "崇拜财神" 英文翻译 :    worshiat the shrine of mammon; worship at the shrine of mammon
  • "崇拜的人" 英文翻译 :    who is the great person in the world in your eyes
  • "崇拜的神" 英文翻译 :    and their myths


  • The cult of sun worship is probably the most primitive one
  • Bronze tree , sun - worship and sun calendar
  • On the role and influence of central plains in the process of chinese civilization
  • It shows that sun worship was part of the religious culture of the ancient shu state
  • A land called rutas was an immense continent far to the east of india and home to a race of sun - worshippers
  • His present aspect , coupled with the lack of all human forms in the scene , explained the old - time heliolatries in a moment
  • It seems that the people of the indus valley , who inherited this symbol , believed in sun worship and spread this cult to elam
  • People belonging to the indus valley civilization believed in sun worshipping , which is evident from the discovery of a number of signs and symbols associated with the sun


  • 太阳崇拜什么意思:[sun worship] 对太阳或代表太阳的神灵的崇拜。几种早期文化中都有出现,尤其是在古代埃及、印欧文化和中美洲文化中,这些地区的都市文明化同崇拜神圣君王的强烈意识形态相结合,宣扬了国王受太阳力量的统治,并声称国王是太阳的传人。太阳的形象是上天和人间的统治者,他每天都巡视这里,并且无所不在。太阳英雄和神在很多神话中也有记载,包括印度、伊朗、希腊、罗马和斯堪的纳维亚神话。在后期罗马历史中,太阳崇...
太阳崇拜的英文翻译,太阳崇拜英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译太阳崇拜,太阳崇拜的英文意思,太陽崇拜的英文太阳崇拜 meaning in English太陽崇拜的英文太阳崇拜怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。