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  • patriarchal system


  • Trying to discuss the influence of chinese feudal patriarchal system for chinese modern female child literature
  • On the earlier stage of state , the patriarchal clan system and the idea of military law with characteristic of theocracy gave profound effects on the military legislation
  • First , the author studied the history of the preemptive right in both china and foreign countries , he thinks it is the endocentric and close character of petty farmer society and patriarchal clan system of ancient china that made the preemptive right in china different from the western countries
  • The influence of system of the country land is that poverty of peasants that result from the high rental of land because of land " s gathering and the high land tax badly blocks the economical development in sichuan in the period of minguo
  • This paper analyses the whole apace characteristics of natural environment and building models of wu - ting mountain villa , which is a huge office residence with fortress on the qing river valley . it also studies the characteristics on its space formation , decoration and construction . in this paper , the author researches the " architectural causes of formation which are brought up by the comprehensive effects of its nature , ecology , traditional culture , folk customs , patriarch system and the development of economy , society and history
    本论文通过分析沁河流域堡寨类官宦山地文化巨宅? ?午亭山村的整体自然环境空间特色、建筑造型及空间形态特色以及建筑的装饰特色、结构特色,研究其自然、生态、传统文化、民俗文化、宗法制度、经济、社会、历史发展等因素综合作用下的建筑形态成因,探究传统民居的保护开发与可持续发展的原则,为大家展示了午亭山村独具特色的晋东南堡寨类官宦类巨宅的民居风采,为现代设计探寻地域、生态、文化及与时俱进的时代特色的追求提供了可鉴的思路和启迪,并呼吁弘扬我国的传统文化、民族文化,大力保护性开发我国的民居类古建资源。


  • 宗法制度的日语:同族支配体系の制度.中国古代の貴族支配を維持する制度の一種.宗法[そうほう]. 『参考』父系家長制から転化したもので,周代にしだいに完全なものとなり,何千年も続いた.この制度では長男が家父長の地位?財産?爵位を受け継ぐことになっており,そこから一定の同族関係(これを“宗族 zōngzú ”という)が構成された.
  • 宗法制度什么意思:亦称“宗法制”。  古代维护贵族世袭统治的一种制度。 由父系家长制演变而成, 到 周 代逐渐完备。    ▶ 周王 称天子, 天子分封诸侯, 诸侯分封卿大夫, 他们的职位由嫡长子继承。 这些世袭的嫡长子, 称为宗子。 他们掌握自己范围内的军政大权和本族财产, 负责本族的祭祀, 管理本族的成员, 同时代表贵族统治和剥削人民。    ▶ ...
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