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  • agt
  • "对"英文翻译    answer; reply
  • "逆"英文翻译    contrary; counter
  • "反对"英文翻译    oppose; be opposed to; objec ...
  • "靠近"英文翻译    near; close to; by
  • "对比"英文翻译    contrast; comparison; balanc ...
  • "反, 抗, 逆, 对" 英文翻译 :    contra-
  • "反,抗,逆,对" 英文翻译 :    contra-
  • "对…反对" 英文翻译 :    object(objection) to
  • "反对,反对派,对比,对照" 英文翻译 :    opposition n.f
  • "对…的反对" 英文翻译 :    objection to; operation on
  • "反对;对…不利" 英文翻译 :    go against
  • "逆" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(方向相反) contrary; counter 逆风 contrary [head] wind2.[数学] inverse; converse 逆变换 inverse transformation; 逆定理 converse theoremⅡ动词1.(抵触; 不顺从) go against; disobey; defy 逆时代潮流而动 go against the trend of the times2.[书面语] (迎接) welcome3.(预先; 事先) anticipateⅢ名词(背叛者) traitor
  • "以防" 英文翻译 :    against; for fear of; in case of
  • "靠近" 英文翻译 :    1.(挨近) near; close to; by 那条船靠近海岸航行。 the ship kept close to the coast. 实验农场靠近水电站。 the experimental farm is near the waterpower station.2.(靠拢) draw near; approach 船正靠近码头。 the ship was nearing the wharf. 侦察兵偷偷地靠近敌军阵地。 the scout made a stealthy approach to the enemy position
  • "鉴别干涉对比,微差干涉反对,差动干扰对比" 英文翻译 :    differential interference contrast
  • "逆a高达" 英文翻译 :    turn a gundam
  • "逆pcr" 英文翻译 :    reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
  • "逆t3" 英文翻译 :    reverse-t3
  • "反对" 英文翻译 :    oppose; be opposed to; object to; be against; fight; combat 反对命令主义 struggle against commandism; 反对不正之风 combat unhealthy trends; 反对官僚主义 combat bureaucracy; 反对铺张浪费 combat extravagance and waste; 反对贪污浪费 fight against corruption and waste; 反对偷工减料 struggle against cheating on government contracts; 反对偷税漏税 struggle against tax evasion; 反对违法乱纪 struggle against violations of the law and discipline; 反对行贿 struggle against capitalist bribery of government workers; 反对资产阶级自由化 oppose bourgeois liberalization; 持反对意见 hold opposite opinions; 遭到反对 meet opposition; 有反对意见吗? any objection? 要提倡唯物辩证法, 反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。 promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism.; 反对党 opposition; opposition party; 反对派 opposition faction; 反对票 dissenting vote; negative vote; 反对证书 counterdeed
  • "对" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(回答) answer; reply 无言以对 have nothing to say in reply2.(对待; 对付) treat; cope with; counter 刀对刀, 枪对枪 sword against sword and spear against spear; 对事不对人 concern oneself with facts and not with individuals; 广州队对大连队 the guangzhou team versus the dalian team; 她对我很好。 she treats me well.3.(朝; 向; 面对) be trained on; be directed at; face 把枪口对准敌人 train one's gun on the enemy; 她的话不是对着你的。 what she said was not directed at you. 这房子对着大街。 the house faces the street.4.(使两个东西配合或接触) bring (two things) into contact; fit one into the other 对暗号 exchange code words; 对个火儿。 give me a light, please. 这个榫头对不上。 this tenon won't fit.5.(投合;适合) suit; agree; get along 对心眼儿 suit one down to the ground; 糖醋鱼很对他的胃口。 sour-sweet fish agreed very well with him.6.(把两个东西放在一起互相比较, 看是否相符合) compare; check; identify 对笔迹 identify the handwriting; 对号码 check numbers7.(调整使合于一定标准) set; adjust 对表 set one's watch; synchronize watches; 对好望远镜的距离 adjust the focus of a telescope; 如果照相机焦点不对准, 照片就会模糊。 if the camera is not brought into focus, the photo will be blurred.8.(搀和) mix; add 茶太浓了, 给我对点儿水。 add some water to the tea; it's too strong for me. 牛奶里对水了。 the milk has been adulterated with water.Ⅱ副词1.(二者相对; 彼此相向) mutually; face to face 对饮 (two people) have a drink together; 对坐 sit facing each other2.(平均分成两份) divide into halves 对股劈 go halves; split fifty-fiftyⅢ形容词1.(对面的; 敌对的) opposite; opposing 对岸 the opposite bank; the other side of the river2.(相合; 正确; 正常)right; correct 对, 就这么办。 all right, just go ahead. 是他的不对。 it's his fault. 他今天神色不对。 he doesn't look himself today. 我这样说对吗? am i correct in saying this?Ⅳ名词(对偶的词句; 对联) antithetical couplet; couplet 喜对 wedding coupletⅤ量词(双) pair; couple 一对夫妇 a married couple; 一对花瓶 a pair of vases; 一对选手 a couple of playersⅥ介词(引进对象或事物的关系者) 他对别人求全责备, 对自身的缺点却视而不见。 he demands perfection in others, but cannot see faults in himself. 水对鱼的关系正如空气对人的关系一样。 water is to fish what air is to man. 他对我笑了笑。 he smiled at me. 他对形势的分析很透彻。 he made a very thorough analysis on the situation
  • "对比" 英文翻译 :    1.(相对比较) contrast; comparison; balance 明显的对比 a flagrant contrast; 强烈的对比 a poignant contrast; 有力的对比 forceful contrast; 把鸟和鱼作对比 contrast birds with fishes; 构成鲜明的对比 form a sharp contrast; 今昔对比 contrast the present with the past; 使(力量等) 对比有利于 ... tip the balance in favour of ...; 作者在本书中, 把善与恶作了对比。 in this book the writer contrasts good with [and] evil.2.(比例) ratio 双方人数对比是一对四。 the ratio between the two sides is one to four.; 对比错觉 contrast illusion; 对比等温线 reduced isothemal; 对比定律 contrast law; 对比方程 reduced equation; 对比放大 contrast amplification; 对比分析 comparative analysis; 对比灵敏度 contrast sensitivity; contrast sensibility; 对比率 contrast ratio; 对比粘度计 viscomparator; 对比染剂 contrast stain; 对比染色法 contrast staining; 对比色 contrast colour; 对比试验 contrast test; 对比体积 [热学] reduced volume; 对比图 collation map; 对比温度 reduced temperature; 对比效应 contrast effect; 对比压强 [热学] reduced pressure; 对比研究 contrast studies; 对比语言学 contrastive linguistics; 对比值 [热学] reduced value [property]; 对比状态 corresponding state
  • "保护…以防…" 英文翻译 :    hold ... against
  • "保险…以防" 英文翻译 :    insure…against
  • "防备,以防" 英文翻译 :    in case of
  • "假借,以防" 英文翻译 :    in case of
对;逆;反对;靠近;对比;以防的英文翻译,对;逆;反对;靠近;对比;以防英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译对;逆;反对;靠近;对比;以防,对;逆;反对;靠近;对比;以防的英文意思,對;逆;反對;靠近;對比;以防的英文对;逆;反对;靠近;对比;以防 meaning in English對;逆;反對;靠近;對比;以防的英文对;逆;反对;靠近;对比;以防怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。