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  • basic life support
  • cardio-pulmonary reanimation
  • cardiopumonary resuscitation
  • cardiorespiratory resuscitation
  • cpcr
  • heart lung resuscitation


  • Learn basic first aid and c . p . r
  • Cpr , cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • Morris , a retired nurse , said she hadn ' t had any practice with cpr in years , but that she was interested to see if she " still had it .
  • The device can be wrapped around the patient while cpr is being carried out and can raise the overall upper body blood pressure within 30 seconds
    Cpr是cardiopulmonary resuscitation的缩写,即心肺复苏术,指的是在呼吸或心跳停止情况下所作之急救术。
  • Regarding in the field resuscitation , 31 % answered that they won ' t do cpr because of fear of catching a contagious disease , legal problems and a lack of self confidence
    再被问及现场如有人需要心肺复苏术时却有31 %的回答是不会去做的,理由是怕传染病及医疗纠纷及本人自信心之不足。
  • On march 30 and 31 , 2002 , following master s example of expressing great mercy and universal love to all beings , formosa s hsinchu centre sponsored the " care for life - let us learn cpr " activity in the auditorium and classrooms of chuzern elementary school in chupei
    为效法师父慈悲博爱的精神,福尔摩沙新竹小中心于3月30 31日二天在竹北市竹仁国小的教室及礼堂,举办关怀生命大家来学cpr心肺复苏术活动。
  • " cure a dead horse as if it were alive " is the motto of first - aid workers , who do not easily give up due to their respect for life and sincerity in helping people . instructor zheng cited one example about a little girl who saved her grandfather s life by doing cpr cardiopulmonary resuscitation continually for four hours
  • Fellow initiates from hsinchu , formosa , and the red cross in hsinchu co - organized a cardiopulmonary resuscitation training class in chu - ren elementary school to encourage people to learn life - saving techniques and to promote the spirit of " love in action " . on behalf of the supreme master ching hai international association , fellow initiates from hsinchu presented nt 8 , 000 to the red cross to aid it in its charitable activities


  • 心肺复苏术的法语:rcr réanimation cardio-respiratoire rcp réanimation cardio-pulmonaire
  • 心肺复苏术的日语:心肺蘇生法
  • 心肺复苏术的俄语:серде́чно-лёгочная реанима́ция слр восстановление сердечной деятельности и дыхвния восстановление сердечной деятельности и дыхания
  • 心肺复苏术的阿拉伯语:إنعاش القلب والرئتين; الإسعاف بالإنعاش القلبي الرئوي;
  • 心肺复苏术什么意思:[cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)] 促使呼吸和心跳恢复正常的紧急施救方法,包括畅通呼吸道和体外心脏按摩两个步骤。心肺复苏术只能施行于丧失意识、无法自行呼吸者,且只能由受过心肺复苏术培训的救援人员进行。复苏本身包括交替的口对口呼吸和反复按压胸部促使血液循环。
心肺复苏术的英文翻译,心肺复苏术英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译心肺复苏术,心肺复苏术的英文意思,心肺復蘇術的英文心肺复苏术 meaning in English心肺復蘇術的英文心肺复苏术怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。