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音标:[ pāozhuānyǐnyù ]  发音:  


  • throw away a brick in order to get a gem; (serve as) a modest spur to induce someone to come forward with his valuable contributions; break the ice; cast a brick to attract jade -- offer a few commonplace remarks by way of introduction so that others may come up with valuable opinions; cast away a brick and attract a jadestone; give a thing with a view of getting sth. better in return; throw [fling away] a sprat to catch a mackerel [a whale]; throw out a brick so as to draw pieces of jade; throw out a minnow to catch a whale


  • He also proposed a guided contest to be organised
  • We hope this thesis can throw away a brick in order to get agem
  • Because of my limited knowledge , it still needs to study deeper exploration
  • Special thanks to mr . lee phi do , for initiating and facilitating this noble deeds
    另外,特别感谢lee phi do先生的抛砖引玉及促成此次的善举。
  • This section defines the conception of the quasi - government organization at first
  • The author ' s aim is to express his understanding so that to make up this blank
  • In this article i discuss the problem and i hope it can throw light on the further research
  • And here , i presume to express a little of my opinion about it to arouse more valuable ones from others
  • This dissertation will evoke discussions through a real case and solve the entire problem in the end
  • Here is given an issue for probe this skill . so as to more better means could be sprang out
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5


  • 抛砖引玉的泰文
  • 抛砖引玉的法语:lancer une brique pour inciter les autres à sortir leur jade;parler le premier dans le but de faire exprimer librement leur opinion aux autres
  • 抛砖引玉的日语:〈成〉れんがを投げて玉[ぎょく]を引き寄せる.たたき台.▼何か発言するとき,自分の未熟な見解を述べて大方の卓説を引き出すという意味に用いることが多い.
  • 抛砖引玉的韩语:【성어】 벽돌을 던져서 구슬을 끌어들이다; 졸렬하고 성숙되지 않은 의견으로 다른 사람의 고견을 끌어내다. 남의 훌륭한 의견을 듣기 위해 먼저 자기의 미숙한 의견을 내놓다. =[撇砖引玉]
  • 抛砖引玉的俄语:pinyin:pāozhuānyǐnyù бросить кирпич, а получить взамен яшму (обр. в знач.: изложить своё мнение с целью получить более компетентное суждение со стороны; дать что-либо, не име...
  • 抛砖引玉什么意思:pāo zhuān yǐn yù 【解释】抛出砖去,引回玉来。比喻用自己不成熟的意见或作品引出别人更好的意见或好作品。 【出处】宋·释道原《景德传灯录》卷十:“比来抛砖引玉,却引得个坠子。” 【示例】刚才婢子费了唇舌,说了许多书名,原是~,以为借此长长见识,不意竟是如此!(清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第十八回) 【拼音码】pzyy 【灯谜面】国 【用法】连动式;作谓语、定语、宾语、分句;用于谦词...


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