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音标:[ wǎnshī ]  发音:  


  • elegy


  • A poem or song composed especially as a lament for a deceased person
  • Every time a man died , or a woman died , or a child died , she would be on hand with her " tribute " before he was cold
  • Poor emmeline made poetry about all the dead people when she was alive , and it didn t seem right that there warn t nobody to make some about her now she was gone ; so i tried to sweat out a verse or two myself , but i couldn t seem to make it go somehow
  • And upon my going into will ' s i found their discourse was gone off from the death of the french king to that of monsieur boileau , racine , corneille , and several other poets , whom they regretted on this occasion , as persons who would have obliged the world with very noble elegies on the death of so great a prince , and so eminent a patron of learning


  • 挽诗的法语:poème élégiaque;chants funèbre
  • 挽诗的日语:挽詩[ばんし].死者を弔う詩.
  • 挽诗的韩语:[명사] 만시. →[挽词] [挽歌]
  • 挽诗的俄语:pinyin:wǎnshī элегия; некролог (в стихах)
  • 挽诗什么意思:哀悼死者的诗。    ▶ 清 方文 《述哀》诗: “诔文既款恳, 挽诗并愁绝。”    ▶ 《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九七回: “因走到那边仔细一看, 原来都是些挽诗, 诗中无非是赞叹他以身殉母的意思。”    ▶ 袁鹰 《不灭的诗魂》: “ 邓拓 同志展阅 司马 寄来的信, 夜不成眠, 含着眼泪写了一首挽诗。”
挽诗的英文翻译,挽诗英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译挽诗,挽诗的英文意思,挽詩的英文挽诗 meaning in English挽詩的英文挽诗怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。