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  • digital government
  • "数字"英文翻译    figure; digit; numeral; char ...
  • "政府"英文翻译    government
  • "政府" 英文翻译 :    government 人民政府 the people government; 流亡政府 government-in-exile; 政府安排与失业者自谋出路相结合 government-provided employment opportunities together with job searches undertaken by the unemployed themselves; 政府办公楼 government house; 政府补贴 government subsidy; 政府部门 government departments; 政府代表 government representative; 政府公文 government documents; 政府公债 government bonds; 政府官员 government official; 政府基金 government fund; 政府机构 government apparatus; government organs; 政府机关 government bodies [organs, organizations; 政府贸易代表团 government trade mission; 政府贸易机构 government trading agency; 政府贸易协定 government trade agreement; 政府人士 government circles; 政府首脑 head of government; 政府援助 government assistance; 政府资助计划 government aid plan [program]
  • "政府," 英文翻译 :    government
  • "数字" 英文翻译 :    1.(表示数目的文字; 表示数目的符号) figure; digit; numeral; character; numeric character 阿拉伯数字 arabic numerals; 二进或十进制数字 binary or decimal digit; 括号内的数字 the figures between brackets; 数字概念强 have a head for figure; 天文数字 astronomical figures2.(数量) quantity; amount 不要单纯追求数字。 don't just go after quantity.; 数字编码 digital coding; numerical coding; numeric coding; 数字编码器 digital encoder; 数字表示 digital presentation; 数字程序控制 digital process control; prodac control; 数字程序控制机床 numerical controlled machine tool; 数字处理 digital handling; 数字存储器 digital storage; digital memory; number storage; 数字代码 digital code; numeric code; 数字导航 digital navigation; 数字电话网 digital telephone network; 数字电视 digital television; 数字分析 numerical analysis; 数字分析器 digital analyser; 数字符号 numeric character; digital character; numerical notation; 数字技术 digital technique; 数字计数器 digit counter; 数字计算 digital computation; digital computing; digital calculation; 数字计算机 digital computer; digital calculator; digital computing machine; digital machine; 数字全息图 digital hologram; 数字识别 digital recognition; 数字识别系统 digital recognition system; 数字示波器 digital oscilloscope; 数字输出器 digital follower; 数字输入系统 digital message entry system; 数字通信 digital communication; 数字通信系统 digital communication system; 数字图像 digital picture; 数字图像显示 digital-to-video display; 数字图形库 digital picture library; 数字显示 digital display (dd); 数字显示电路 digital display circuit; 数字显示器 digital indicator; digital display (dd); 数字信号 digital signal; 数字信号处理 digital signal processing; 数字信息 digital information; numerical information; digital data; 数字信息显示 digital information display (did); 数字语言 number language; 数字运算技术 operational digital technique; 数字值 digital value; digital quantity; 数字指挥仪 digital fire control computer; 数字指令 digital command; 数字制图 digital mapping; 数字钟 digital clock; 数字转换 digital conversion; quantizing; 数字转换器 digital quantizer; digitizer; quantizer; 数字装置 digital device; 数字资料 numerical data; 数字自动化(装置) digital automation; 数字作图 digiplot
  • "邦政府" 英文翻译 :    federal government
  • "督政府" 英文翻译 :    french directory
  • "俄政府" 英文翻译 :    russian provisional government
  • "反政府" 英文翻译 :    anti-government
  • "非政府" 英文翻译 :    non-governmental
  • "好政府" 英文翻译 :    the good government
  • "合政府" 英文翻译 :    coalition government
  • "军政府" 英文翻译 :    military government; junta
  • "联政府" 英文翻译 :    secondary adminis trative division office
  • "前政府" 英文翻译 :    the late government
  • "清政府" 英文翻译 :    qing dynasty
  • "区政府" 英文翻译 :    district government
  • "省政府" 英文翻译 :    eastern cape provincial government; government house; local representative of national government in each french departement; provincial government
  • "市政府" 英文翻译 :    municipal government
  • "伪政府" 英文翻译 :    bogus government
  • "无政府" 英文翻译 :    anarchism; anarchy
  • "现政府" 英文翻译 :    the present government
  • "乡政府" 英文翻译 :    township government
  • "议政府" 英文翻译 :    euijeongbu; state council of joseon; uijongbu
  • "镇政府" 英文翻译 :    town hall


  • The system is basically credible by test . at present , it is being used in a digital government system
  • In each of the past five years , of the number of complaints received by the government about the above problems , broken down by the subject of such complaints ; what clearance operations the government had carried out regarding such complaints , and whether it has assessed the effectiveness of such operations ; if it has , of the results of the assessment ; and
  • The paper discusses the development of web , browser / server mode conception and the content and mechanism of network security based on web , and also describes the basic conception and system of cipher theory , symmetric - based data encryption standard and advanced encryption standard and asymmetric - based rsa . it presents a detailed design of secrecy net of digital government , and advances a des - and - rsa - based security model of information exchange , which makes use of symmetric cryptographic algorithm to encrypt plaintext , and introduces public - key algorithm rsa to encrypt session key to compose digital envelope and to realize digital signature
    本文论述了web的发展及其browser / server模式概念,以及基于web的网络安全的内容与机制;阐述了密码学的基本概念、分类,对称密钥密码体制des与aes以及公开密钥密码体制rsa ;最后,利用一种基于des和rsa的信息交换安全模型,详细地给出了一个数字政府的保密网系统设计方案。
数字政府的英文翻译,数字政府英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译数字政府,数字政府的英文意思,數字政府的英文数字政府 meaning in English數字政府的英文数字政府怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。