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音标:[ liàoshìrúshén ]  发音:  


  • foretell like a prophet [spirit]; foresee with divine accuracy; foretell things accurately; foretell with miraculous accuracy; he can make very exact predictions.; he has a prophetic eye.; he has knowledge of things long before they occur.; he has the gift to a seer.; he is possessed of a second sight.; his prescience of events is prodigious.; one's foresight is godlike.; predict like a prophet


  • Yes-but how you guess everything !
  • - he could see the chemistry . - i guess
  • He could see the chemistry . - i guess
  • Eg : my mother ' s got a sixth sense . she knows when it ' s going to rain
  • Since i cannot foretell things like a prophet , i cannot help taking a small loss
  • Seen on the balcony , a mass of flourishing foliage came to my eyes , and the tall hedges and the narrow footpath seemed to dispose me in the idyllic life depicted by the famous poet tao yuanming


  • 料事如神的法语:prédire comme un prophète;avoir une perspicacité quasi divine;être aussi prévoyant qu'un dieu
  • 料事如神的日语:〈成〉神のように先々まで見通す.予想が的確なたとえ.
  • 料事如神的韩语:【성어】 귀신같이 예상하다. 예상이 정확하다.
  • 料事如神的俄语:pinyin:liàoshìrúshén 1) прекрасно справляться с работой; проявлять смекалку (сообразительность) 2) необычайно точно (правильно) предвидеть (предугадать); сверхъестественное предвидение, прозорливость
  • 料事如神什么意思:liào shì rú shén 【解释】形容预料事情非常准确。 【出处】明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第四回:“祭足料事,可谓如神矣。” 【示例】我又不能~,除了硬挺之外,总不免要吃点小亏。(清·吴趼人《近十年之怪现状》第四回) 【拼音码】lsrs 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含褒义 【英文】predict with miraculous accuracy
料事如神的英文翻译,料事如神英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译料事如神,料事如神的英文意思,料事如神的英文料事如神 meaning in English料事如神的英文料事如神怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。