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音标:[ bǎifābǎizhōng ]  发音:  


  • fire at the target a hundred times without a single miss; a hundred shots, a hundred bull's eyes.; be a crack shot; drop ... with every shot; every blow [shot] tells.; every shot hits the target [mark].; hit one's mark every single time and never miss; hit the target at every shot; make every shot tell; never miss one's aim [quarry]; shoot with unfailing accuracy; the shots hit every time.: 他是咱班里的神枪手, 打起仗来真是百发百中。 he was a magical shooter in our squad and his every shot did execution in battle. 照他的话去做, 包你百用百灵, 百发百中。 do as he told you and you will find every attempt successful and you will make every shot tell


  • He is a dead shot .
  • He was a magical shooter in our squad and his every shot did execution in battle .
  • Do as he told you and you will find every attempt successful and you will shoot with great accuracy .
  • It beats the dutch how jordan always makes a basket
  • Dear god , may our shots go " swish " and our defense be tight ,
  • One shot , one kill . one blade , one man
  • My brother is deadeye hunter
  • Serving with the god spy
  • No one bats a thousand . you ' ve been called the babe ruth of silicon valley
    没有人百发百中,你被人们叫做硅谷的baberuth 。
  • Mouse operation , bald police officers serving with the sharpshooter however , you are now posing as him , do you qualify
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 百发百中的泰文
  • 百发百中的法语:faire mouche à tous les coups;toutes les flèches décochées sont au centre de la cible.autant de coups de partis,autant de buts atteints.
  • 百发百中的日语:(1)〈成〉百発百中. (2)〈喩〉(仕事?計画などが)確実で,必ず実現するたとえ.
  • 百发百中的韩语:【성어】 백발백중. =[百步穿杨]
  • 百发百中的俄语:[bǎifā bǎizhòng] обр. бить без промаха; попадать точно в цель
  • 百发百中什么意思:bǎi fā bǎi zhòng 【解释】形容射箭或打枪准确,每次都命中目标。也比喻做事有充分把握。 【出处】《战国策·西周策》:“楚有养由基者,善射,去柳叶者百步而射之,百发百中。” 【示例】他是个~的神枪手。 【拼音码】bfbz 【灯谜面】黄忠射箭;瘌痢头上打苍蝇弼;神枪手 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、补语;形容射击技术高明,办事有把握 【英文】every shot hits th...
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